Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Judge: Satanism Can't Be Issue In Cannibal Trial


Lazaro 'Hannibal' Galindo On Trial For Killing Romantic Rival, Eating Organs, FL
August 13, 2007

MIAMI -- Lazaro Galindo, who is accused of killing a romantic rival and eating his organs, acted as his own attorney during jury selection in his trial Monday.

Galindo criticized the media and asked potential jurors to keep their minds open to unfamiliar religions.

"Let's say the Church of Satan, some people don't think it exists, it actually exists, it actually has members," Galindo told potential jurors. "But we don't worship Satan, pray to Satan, sacrifice kids to Satan," he said.

Galindo, whom prosecutors have referred to as "Hannibal," will be representing himself against charges that he killed 44-year old Argelio Gonzalez -- reportedly a rival for his girlfriend's affections -- then dismembered the body and ate some of the organs in July 2000, according to Local 10's Glenna Milberg.

The crime was uncovered when children playing in a Miami park discovered body parts in a garbage can.

Before the proceedings Monday, Galindo told the judge he is no longer a member of the Church of Satan, and that he "found God" while in jail.
"I've converted to God, I found God," he said.

Assistant state attorney Herb Walker said Galindo had told investigators he had an insatiable desire to eat human flesh. Walker said he prepared for the trial by researching the history and culture of the Church of Satan.

Walker asked potential jurors if they would be able to consider witness testimony as evidence in the potential absence of physical evidence. When some of the jurors said they might have a difficult time doing so, Walker instructed them on Florida law.

During Galindo's turn with the jury pool, he hinted at his defense: "How many of you have ever been forced to do something, or manipulated by a higher authority than you?” he asked them, Milberg reported.

Galindo's long, rambling turn at the podium prompted Judge Peter Adrien to interrupt him several times to clarify for the jury pool what information Galindo was trying to elicit from them.

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