Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Operation CONDOR References

Operation Condor

The Mahalo Top 7

Wikipedia: Operation Condor
Washington Post: An Assassination, A Failure to Act, A Painful Parallel (2002)
Logos Journal: The Undead Ghost of Operation Condor (2005)
The Nation: Pulling Back the Veil on Condor (2000)
Human Rights in Latin America: Operation Condor: Clandestine Inter-American System (1999)
BBC: Condor legacy haunts South America (2005)
L'Humanite: Latin America in the 1970s: "Operation Condor" (2007)

Operation Condor Timeline

1973: Fall of Allende, rise of Pinochet in Chile
1974: Chilean intelligence service DINA created; General Carlos Prats murdered in Buenos Aires
1975: Santiago meeting to create "Operation Condor"; Leighton assassination attempt
1976: Letelier & Moffitt murdered in U.S.; Videla Junta takes power; Ruiz, Michelini, & Torres murdered
1978: Peru joins Operation Condor
1980: Final Condor operation with Argentinian agents in Peru
1999: Clinton administration declassifies U.S. documents relating to Chile and Condor
2001: General Prats Trial in Argentina
2004: Chilean court revokes Pinochet's immunity from prosecution for Operation Condor crimes
2006: Death of Pinochet and Stroessner

Operation Condor Major Actions

Nunca Mas: Report from Argentinian National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons (1984)
Memoria y Justicia: The Carlos Prats Case
National Security Archives: The Letelier-Moffitt Assassination 30 Years Later
The Nation: An Exiled Son of Santiago (2005)
Wikipedia: Bernardo Leighton case
IPN: Uruguay-Argentina: Hunting the Condor, 28 Years On (2004)
Impunidad: Zelmar Michelini & Héctor Gutiérrez (2004)
National Security Archives: Ed Koch Threatened with Assassination in 1976

Operation Condor Major Historical Figures & Organizations

Human Rights Watch: Argentina: Operation Condor
The Vanished Gallery
Wikipedia: Military Junta
Wikipedia: Secretaría de Inteligencia (SIDE)
Wikipedia: Intelligence Battalion 601
Wikipedia: Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP)
Wikipedia: Montoneros
CNN: Mothers of Plaza de Mayo & the "Dirty War" (1998)
Guardian Limited: Hugo Banzer profile (2002)
Library of Congress: The Banzer Regime
Wikipedia: Juan Jose Torres
Wikipedia: Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR)
COHA: Pinochet’s and the Chilean Military’s Tarnished Legacy (2004)
Los Angeles Times: Operation Condor and Pinochet (1998)
Remember Chile: Manuel Contreras & the Birth of DINA
Wikipedia: Augusto Pinochet
Wikipedia: Manuel Contreras
Wikipedia: Raul Iturriaga
Wikipedia: Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR)
FAS.org: "Para-State Adversaries" (left-wing terrorist groups)
New York Times: Stroessner, Paraguay’s Enduring Dictator, Dies (2006)
COHA: Death of General Alfredo Stroessner (2006)
BBC: Paraguay's Archive of Terror (2002)
UNESCO: Democracy in the Light of Dictatorship (2000)
COHA: Keeping the Military in Check (2006)
COHA: Uruguay Confronts its Violent Past (2005)
Human Rights Watch: Ex-President Faces Prosecution for Military-Era Abuses (2005)
Wikipedia: Tupamaros
Wikipedia: Hugo Campos Hermida
United States
New Internationalist: Henry Kissinger (2002)
New America Media: C.I.A. Knew About Latin Terror Plan for Paris (2002)
Official Site: State Department Memo about Operation Condor (1976) (200 Kbs.)
Official Site: State Department Memo about South American Security Bloc (1977) (828 Kbs.)
National Security Archive: FBI Memo on Operation Condor (1977)
Z Magazine: The Condor Case (2007)

NameBase: Operation Condor: Ask the DEA
Operation Condor Maps and Media

NPR: Terry Gross Interview of Operation Condor book author (Time: 25:08)
Link TV: Investigating Operation Condor (Time: 5:15)
Google Video: 30 Years: Families Struggle for Justice (Time: 7:15)
Google Video: Truth, Justice & Reconciliation forum (Time: 1:14:52)
IPS: Disturbing Exhibit Combines Technology, Human Rights, Art (2006)

CIA World Fact Book: Map of South America

The Vanished: Map of Argentina Secret Detention Centers, 1976-83

Operation Condor Books and Research

Human Rights in Latin America: Sources on "Plan Condor"
John Dinges: Operation Condor
Transnational institute: Operation Condor links
National Security Archive: Documents about Operation Condor and Chilean dictator Pinochet
Transnational Institute: The Hinchey Report: C.I.A. Activities in Chile
NameBase: Operation Condor Documents
La Tercera: La Operación Cóndor
Operation Condor Blogs and Message Boards
Alex Constantine's Blacklist blog: Operation Condor, 9/11/1973 & 2001
Media Monarchy blog: Kissinger's Extradition Sought over Operation Condor
Atlantic Free Press blog: Returning to the Scene of a Crime - Chile Over 30 Years Later
SqlSpace Breaking Political News: Documents Confirm US Involvement in South American Horror
Sourcewatch wiki: Plan Condor

Operation Condor Criticism

FLACSO Chile: Blowback of a Criminal Alliance: The Condor Investigations (262 Kbs.) (2003)
Crimes of War: Operation Condor: Deciphering the U.S. Role (2001)
World Socialist Web Site: Operation Condor: US holds key evidence against Pinochet (1998)
Harvard Univ.: Missing Letter in Foreign Affairs: Kissinger, Pinochet & Operation Condor (847 Kbs.)
The Nation: The Maxwell Affair (2004)
Green Left Weekly: Villa Grimaldi: A Symbol of Pain Transformed (2003)
Third World Traveler: Operation Condor
Dissident Voice: Coming Soon to the U.S.? Plan Condor, the Sequel (2003)

Related Searches

Augusto Pinochet | Chile | Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Paraguay | Uruguay | Peru | CIA | FBI

This page was created by Walshga, a Part Time Guide in the Mahalo Greenhouse (see the original), and curated by Brian. *If you'd like to help us create the best spam free search results on the Internet, apply to be a Part Time Guide!

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