Monday, December 24, 2007

Kissinger Lends Support to McCain Campaign

Some powerful corporate interests are lining up behind McCain, and it is bruited in military-industrial boardrooms that he will emerge the Republican front runner. Kissinger's endorsement is the warning shot. - AC

December 19, 2007
The Business Journal of Phoenix
by Mike Sunnucks Phoenix Business Journal

Former U.S. Secretary of State and Washington insider Henry Kissinger lent support Wednesday to Arizona Sen. John McCain's presidential effort.

Kissinger -- who heads an international consulting firm and has been a key player in global affairs since the Nixon administration -- hosted a foreign policy-oriented town hall with McCain in Boston.

Kissinger is a principal with Kissinger McLarty Associates, which has offices in Washington and Manhattan, N.Y., and is a heavyweight consultant that represents some powerful economic and business interests.

McCain is trying to gain momentum in the Republican presidential field as early primary battlegrounds loom. Recent polls show former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee ahead in Iowa and South Carolina and gaining nationally.

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