Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Spooks at Mt. Holyoke College

e-dited by Alex Constantine

Teddy K almost died in plane crash in Holyoke, MA in 1970s ...
Holyoke's "Understanding Government Project"

A series of magazine articles about the CIA, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service aimed at promoting improved journalistic coverage of federal agencies, prepared under the guidance of Washington Monthly editor Charles Peters.
John W. Gardner

John W. Gardner, 89,
Founder of Common Cause and Adviser to Presidents, Dies

John W. Gardner, an eloquent voice for citizen participation who founded the Common Cause lobby, championed campaign finance reform and introduced Medicare as secretary of health, education and welfare in the heyday of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society, died Saturday at his home on the campus of Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. He was 89.... In the late 1930's, Mr. Gardner taught psychology at the Connecticut College for women in New London and Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. He worked briefly for the Federal Communications Commission in 1942, then joined the Marine Corps. During World War II, he was assigned in Europe to the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency, and left the service in 1946 as a captain. After the war, he went to work for the Carnegie Corporation of New York, one of the nation's oldest private philanthropic foundations, whose grants to colleges and research and educational institutions helped shape educational policies in America.

... Mr. Gardner was the only Republican in the Johnson cabinet. The Democratic-dominated 89th Congress had passed no fewer than 189 major domestic laws, with many falling under Mr. Gardner's sprawling agency, which touched the lives of almost every American, from preschoolers to the elderly. With characteristic wit, Mr. Gardner described his mission as "a series of great opportunities disguised as insoluble problems."...


More than 30 years after the war, Murray remains modest in his claims for the assessment system, saying that it was only an aid in weeding out the "horrors" among OSS candidates.

Nevertheless, the secret agency's leaders believed in its results, and Murray's system became a fixture in OSS, testing Americans and foreign agents alike. Some of Murray's young behavioral scientists, like John Gardner,[9] would go on to become prominent in public affairs, and, more importantly, the OSS assessment program would be recognized as a milestone in American psychology. It was the first systematic effort to evaluate an individual's personality in order to predict his future behavior. After the war, personality assessment would become a new field in itself, and some of Murray's assistants would go on to establish OSS-like systems at large corporations, starting with AT&T.

They also would set up study programs at universities, beginning with the University of California at Berkeley.[10] As would happen repeatedly with the CIA's mind-control research, OSS was years ahead of public developments in behavioral theory and application.

FOOTNOTE 9: Gardner, a psychologist teaching at Mount Holyoke College, helped Murray set up the original program and went on to open the West Coast OSS assessment site at a converted beach club in San Juan Capistrano. After the war, he would become Secretary of HEW ...
Jim Cavanaugh, Theater Dept.

JIM CAVANAUGH (BFA, Directing, ”67) lives on an island off the coast of Georgia. In 1970 he founded the summer theatre program at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA, and now spends his time working regularly as a role-player for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia
Mount Holyoke Mourns the Loss of Peter Viereck
Posted: May 16, 2006

Peter R. Viereck, professor emeritus of history

The Mount Holyoke community is mourning the loss of one of its most distinguished members. Peter R. Viereck, professor emeritus of history, passed away Saturday, May 13, after a long illness. He was 89.
Born in New York City in 1916, Viereck is likely the only American scholar who has received Guggenheim Fellowships in both poetry and history. A member of the Mount Holyoke College faculty since 1948, Viereck retired in 1987 but continued through 1997 to teach his survey of Russian history. The recipient of many major awards, including a Pulitzer Prize for his first book of poems, Terror and Decorum: Poems 1940-1948, Viereck is the author of numerous articles, essays, and books of history, cultural and political analysis, and poetry. Among his books are Metapolitics: From the Romantics to Hitler; Conservatism Revisited: The Revolt against Revolt, 1815-1949; and Strict Wildness: Discoveries in Poetry and History.

"Professor Viereck excelled in many fields. He was an excellent poet, a superb historian, and an extraordinary teacher who touched the lives of generations of Mount Holyoke students," said Mount Holyoke President Joanne V. Creighton. "He was a profound thinker who helped influence the course of American culture and political life. His contributions will not be forgotten--they have become part of the fabric of this institution. The Mount Holyoke community joins together in mourning his loss."

Viereck was educated at the Horace Mann School for Boys in New York City, graduated summa cum laude with an S.B. from Harvard University in 1937, performed graduate work at Christ Church, Oxford, as a Henry Fellow, and received both his M.A. (1939) and Ph.D. in history (1942) from Harvard. At Harvard he was one of few students in history to receive both the Garrison Prize for the best undergraduate verse and the Bowdoin Medal for the best prose.

After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II in Africa and Italy in the Psychological Warfare Intelligence Branch, earning two battle stars, Viereck taught German and tutored history and literature at Harvard University. From 1946 to 1947, he was a member of the Smith College faculty.

At Mount Holyoke College, Viereck was an associate professor from 1948 to 1955 and professor of history from 1955 to 1965. He held the Alumnae Foundation Chair of Interpretive Studies from 1965 to 1979, and from 1979 to 1987 was William R. Kenan, Jr., Chair of History. Upon his retirement from Mount Holyoke in 1987, he was lauded for his imagination, grace, discipline, and spirit and for teaching "generations of Mount Holyoke students all that is humane about the humanities." Around campus, Viereck was known during his many years here for his lengthy debates about politics and poetry in academic halls and his daily swim at the College's Kendall Sports and Dance Complex.

Viereck's interest in Soviet rebel writers made him instrumental in bringing Nobel prize-winning poet Joseph Brodsky to Mount Holyoke. In 1995 Viereck's work Tide and Continuities opened with a rhymed foreword by Brodsky.

Recently, Viereck was the subject of a lengthy profile titled "The First Conservative: How Peter Viereck Inspired--and Lost--a Movement" in the October 24, 2005 New Yorker magazine. The piece was written by noted author and journalist Tom Reiss.

According to Reiss's article, Viereck was a seminal figure in the birth of American conservatism in the second half of the twentieth century, but he soon moved apart from mainstream conservatism. For example, he was a vocal critic of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his excesses.
Reiss wrote:

"Viereck became a historian, specializing in modern Russia, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet. But, in a series of books published during the late nineteen-forties and early nineteen-fifties (which have recently been reissued by Transaction), he continued to develop his political philosophy. He gave the conservative movement its name and, as the historian George Nash, the author of The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, says, he 'helped make conservatism a respectable word.' Moreover, Viereck's belief that the United States could be a moderating influence, confronting the forces that threaten freedom and democracy without succumbing to liberal optimism, became a central tenet of conservative thought and, with the arrival of neoconservatives in positions of power in Washington, beginning in the nineteen-eighties, of American foreign policy.

"Yet Viereck never became a rallying figure. Conservatism remained largely an intellectual movement during its first several decades, from the late nineteen-forties to the late nineteen-seventies--a loose affiliation of scholars and writers who had little more in common than a hatred of liberalism and Communism, which they increasingly saw as indistinguishable. Even in this context, Viereck was an anomaly, insisting on a moral distinction between the moderate and the totalitarian left, and, as conservatives began to attain political influence, denouncing what he perceived as the movement's demagogic tendencies."
Viereck is survived by his wife, Betty Falkenberg Viereck; his son, John Alexis Viereck; his daughter, Valerie Viereck Gibbs; three grandchildren, Sophia Gibbs Kim, Stephanie Viereck Gibbs Kamath, and Jonathan Lowell Gibbs; and his great-grandson, Micah Kim. Viereck was predeceased by his first wife and mother of his children, Anya de Markov.
The date of an on-campus memorial service will be announced.

The family invites written remembrances about Dr. Viereck for presentation at the service; these can be mailed to the Office of the President, Mount Holyoke College, 50 College St., South Hadley, MA 01075.

Related Link:
New York Times Obituary, May 19, 2006
Boston Globe Obituary, May 19, 2006
Peter Viereck Profiled in New Yorker
JANE GARVEY (head of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on 9/11)
She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Mount Saint Mary College and a Master’s degree from Mount Holyoke College.... She holds several honorary degrees from institutions including Mt. Holyoke College and Cranfield University in England....

Statement of Jane F. Garvey to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States
January 27, 2004

Seventh public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States ...
Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao

Chao's family, which moved to Taiwan in 1949 to flee the Maoist revolution, is closely tied to two of China's most powerful business families, the Tungs and the Hsuis, both particularly influential in Hong Kong. In 1958, her father came to the US, not "with nothing," as she likes to tell audiences, but as an assistant to a Tung shipping company. She is a beneficiary of the 1964 National Civil Rights Act, as was her father, who immediately opened a shipping company called Formost. (Chao is known as a vocal opponent of the 1991 Civil Rights Act.) As the US moved to normalize relations with China, the Chaos profited, moving to toney Westchester County and sending Elaine to one of America's most exclusive colleges, Mount Holyoke. (Persistent rumors of plagarism from her Mount Holyoke days have dogged Chao for years; the school refuses to discuss the matter, but Chao's name does not appear in the 1975 commencement program, the year that she graduated.) After attending Harvard Business School, she went to work for Gulf Oil, which had a Taiwan-based subsidiary, and then for Citicorp. Chao will lead the new administration's fight to roll back overtime laws, a proposal that, if enacted, would see police officers, nurses, firefighters, and tens of millions of American workers forced to work longer hours without overtime benefits.

ALICE VAN ESS BREWER, a former member of the Foreign Service and the wife of retired Foreign Service Officer and Ambassador William Dodd Brewer, died in on February 26, 2006, in Weymouth, Massachusetts. She was 86.

Mrs. Brewer was born into a family of American educational missionaries in Basra, Iraq. She was educated in India, Switzerland, and the US. She earned her BA from Mount Holyoke College in 1941. As a lieutenant (j.g.) in the US Navy during World War II, she served in the Supply Corps in New Orleans and San Francisco. In 1947, after joining the Foreign Service, she was assigned to Dhahran. In 1948 she was transferred to Beirut, where she met her husband. They were married in Basra in 1949.

Mrs. Brewer accompanied her husband and managed their household on his assignments to Jeddah (1949-1951), Damascus (1951-1955), Kuwait (1955-1957), and Kabul. She stayed in the Washington, DC area during his two tours of duty there. She served as his hostess during his service as Ambassador to Mauritius (1970-1973) and then as Ambassador to Sudan. He retired in 1978.

Ambassador and Mrs. Brewer settled in Los Angeles in 1978. Eight years later, they moved to Falmouth, Massachusetts. Last year they moved to Hingham, Massachusetts.

In addition to her husband, Mrs. Brewer leaves three children and five grandchildren.
Professor Catherine McArdle Kelleher

Professor Catherine McArdle Kelleher is Professor and Director of Faculty Programs, Strategic Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies. U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island. She came to that post after three years as the Director of the Aspen Institute, Berlin. She is also a Research Associate of the Watson Institute of International Affairs, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island....

In the Clinton Administration, Professor Kelleher held posts as the Personal Representative of the Secretary of Defense in Europe and as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia. Her other governmental posts include a position on the National Security Council staff during the Carter Administration and a series of consulting assignments under Republican and Democratic administrations in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Affairs, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and the Department of the Army....Director of the Center for International Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM), as well as a Professor in the School of Public Affairs at the University of Maryland. She has been a research fellow at the Institute of Strategic Studies in London, and a Kistiakowsky fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; and has received research grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, NATO, the Council on Foreign Relations, the German Marshall Fund, and the Ford Foundation. She is the founder of Women in International Security program, a non-governmental organization dedicated to developing career opportunities for women in this field. Professor Kelleher has served as consultant to the Ford Foundation, the Volkswagen Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Program in Peace and International Cooperation.... She is Vice-Chairman of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Kelleher holds degrees from Mt. Holyoke College (A.B. and D.Litt) and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D.).
Advocate/Greenwich Time article about Kim Hynes and the Howard Dean "Dozen"

Some of the endorsed candidates share the distinction of having volunteered for Dean's unsuccessful bid for the White House, including Hynes, 37, a mother of four from Stamford.... A New Haven native who graduated from Mount Holyoke College and worked for Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp. as a molecular biologist, Hynes singled out three issues to anchor her campaign platform -- campaign finance reform, universal preschool and doing more to solve the state's transportation problems. The political newcomer hopes to increase the size of her war chest from a "couple of thousand" dollars to $20,000 over the course of the race, enlisting the help of Dean's brother, a Fairfield resident, as a member of her fund-raising team.

ARA WILSON (PhD, City University of
New York, 1997) Positions Held: Assis-
tant Professor (1997-2003) and Associate
Professor (2003-present), The Ohio State
University; Research Associate, Mt.
Holyoke College (2005-06); Interests
and/or Activities: gender and sexuality in
relation to globalization and transnational
flows; Rockefeller, NEH fellowships; Sig-
nificant Publications: The Intimate
Economies of Bangkok: Tomboys, Tycoons and Avon Ladies in the
World City, University of California Press 2004

In 1999-2000 she was a Rockefeller Fellow at the Institute for Research on Women at Rutgers University. Among her publications
are articles on Avon/Amway in Thailand (_Critique of Anthropology_) and an article on sexual rights in the forthcoming anthology, _Truth Claims: Representation and Human Rights_ (Rutgers).

HOLYOKE, Mass. -- To drive through the mill towns and curling country roads here is to journey into New England's impeachment belt. Three of this state's 10 House members have called for the investigation and possible impeachment of President Bush. Thirty miles north, residents in four Vermont villages voted earlier this month at annual town meetings to buy more rock salt, approve school budgets, and impeach the president for lying about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and for sanctioning torture.


Dr. Susan J. Koch is Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction Policy. Her responsibilities include nonproliferation policy, multilateral and bilateral arms control, and the Cooperative Threat Reduction/Nunn-Lugar Program with the new independent states of the former Soviet Union.

Before assuming her present position, Dr. Koch was deputy head of the Defense Policy and Arms Control Directorate on the White House National Security Council Staff, from December 1991 to February 1993. There she worked on the full range of defense policy and arms control issues, with special emphasis on nuclear questions. From March 1990 to December 1991, Dr. Koch was Assistant Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for Strategic and Nuclear Affairs, responsible for arms control issues related to strategic and theater nuclear forces and strategic defense.

Dr. Koch was with the Office of the Secretary of Defense from December 1982 until March 1990. From October 1988 until March 1990, she was the Principal Director for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy.

From 1975 to 1982, Dr. Koch held a series of analytical and supervisory positions in the Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, concerned with the study of NATO, European Community, and West European domestic political issues. She taught international and comparative politics at Mount Holyoke College and the University of Connecticut between 1970 and 1975.
Marvin Ott

Marvin Ott is a professor of national security policy at the National War College of the National Defense University. He served as a civilian in Vietnam (Banmethout, Darlac Province) in 1965. His professional positions have included associate professor at Mount Holyoke College, senior research and management positions at the Office of Technology Assessment (U.S. Congress), senior analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, consultant at the National Academy of Sciences, southeast Asia chairperson for the Foreign Service Institute, and deputy staff director for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters as well as over a hundred op-eds, principally on east Asian and intelligence topics. He appears as a regular commentator on CNN's Business Asia.
Joseph J Ellis

Ideas & Trends: Past Imperfect; The Untold Links Between Biographer and Subject

Comment on relationships between biographers and their subjects, particularly in realm of history, discussed in light of revelations that Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Joseph J Ellis embellished lectures at Mount Holyoke College with lies about serving in Vietnam war; Ellis's explanation of his affinity for Jefferson and his writing about Jefferson's duplicity to achieve political ends quoted; photo
June 24, 2001
Stephen F. Jones
Professor of Russian Studies 
Chair, Ru

ssian and Eurasian Studies
Russia; Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan)

Stephen Jones has been a member of the Mount Holyoke College faculty since 1989. He is an expert on post-communist societies in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and regularly briefs the CIA and U.S. State Department on developments in Caucasia and the North Caucasus. He has briefed a number of U.S. ambassadors to Georgia.

Anthony Lake

Anthony Lake is Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. He served from 1993-1997 as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. From 1981-1992 Mr. Lake was Five College Professor of International Relations at Amherst and Mount Holyoke colleges. Mr. Lake joined the State Department in 1962, where he served until 1970 as a Foreign Service Officer, with assignments in Vietnam and on the NSC staff. After work with the Muskie Campaign, the Carnegie Endowment and International Voluntary Services, Mr. Lake returned to the State Department in 1977 to serve as Director of Policy Planning for President Carter, a position he held until 1981. In 1961, Mr. Lake received an A.B. degree from Harvard College. He read international economics at Trinity College, Cambridge and went on to receive his Ph.D. from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 1974. Mr. Lake is the author of a number of books.

Mr. Lake’s board and advisory memberships include the U.S. Fund for UNICEF (chair) and the Marshall Legacy Institute (chair).

From 1998 to 2000, as a White House Special Envoy, Mr. Lake facilitated the agreement ending the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Susan Bateson McKay '76

Currently, Ms. Bateson McKay serves as senior vice president, human resources, and as a member of the management committee of Human Genome Sciences, Inc. (HGS). She joined HGS in 1997. Ms. Bateson McKay served as director of human resources and administration at Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P., a law firm specializing in intellectual property, from 1994 to 1996. From 1983 to 1994, Ms. Bateson McKay was employed by J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated, where she was appointed vice president, human resources, in 1985 and worked in Morgan's offices in New York City, Wilmington, Delaware, and London, England. Prior to J.P. Morgan, Ms. Bateson McKay worked for Citibank, N.A., and Bankers Trust Company.

Ms. Bateson McKay is a member of the Board of Advisors of the Universities at Shady Grove, a regional higher-education center in Montgomery County, Maryland, and serves on the Biotechnology Steering Committee of the Governor's Workforce Investment Board (Maryland). She is an active member and lay leader of the Church of the Holy Comforter, an Episcopal Church in Vienna, Virginia. Ms. Bateson McKay also serves on the Major Gifts Committee of the greater Washington, D.C. area for Mount Holyoke. Ms. Bateson McKay grew up in Connecticut; she and her husband, Art McKay, reside in Vienna, Virginia.

Audrey A. McNiff '80

Audrey McNiff, Mount Holyoke Class of 1980, is a Managing Director and co-head of Currency Sales at Goldman Sachs in New York City, where she a member of the Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities Division's Career Development Committee and a founding member of the Division's Women's Network.

Ms. McNiff is the Goldman Sachs' firm-wide recruiting captain for Mount Holyoke and the women's champion for Yale recruiting. Ms McNiff joined Goldman Sachs in 1992 and became a Managing Director in 1997. Prior to Goldman Sachs, Ms McNiff worked in the financial markets at Nat West, Irving Trust and HSBC .

She received her AB in Economics from Mount Holyoke in 1980 and her MBA from NYU in 1989. Ms McNiff grew up in Massachusetts and resides in Greenwich, CT.

Margaret L. Wolff '76

Margaret L. Wolff is a Partner at the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. She concentrates in domestic and international transactional matters. She has extensive experience in both negotiated and contested acquisitions and divestitures. She also devotes significant time to general corporate and securities matters. Ms. Wolff includes among her clients Alcoa Inc., Cooper Industries, Inc., DaimlerChrysler AG, Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG, and The May Department Stores Company. In addition, she regularly handles matters for several of the firm’s investment banking clients and provides legal services to the National Down Syndrome Society.

During the last few years, Ms. Wolff has represented Alcoa in its successful unsolicited acquisitions of Alumax Inc. and Reynolds Metals Company as well as its negotiated acquisition of Cordant Technologies Inc. and the subsequent buy-out of the public minority in Cordant’s subsidiary, Howmet International Inc. Ms. Wolff also assisted Alcoa with the purchase of The Fairchild Corporation’s fastener business and the sale of Latasa S.A. to Rexam plc and Alcoa’s Thiokol propulsion systems division to Alliant Techsystems Inc.

H. Jay Sarles

H. Jay Sarles is Vice Chairman of Bank of America Corporation and a special adviser to the CEO. Previously, he was Vice Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer of FleetBoston Financial.

Sheryl Y. McCarthy '69

Sheryl McCarthy was elected to the Board for a five-year term as an Alumna Trustee. She is a columnist for Newsday, the New York City/Long Island newspaper, and writes a twice-weekly opinion column on a wide variety of issues in the news....

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