Thursday, December 27, 2007

Theresa Duncan "Suicide" - Behind the Scenes at Vanity Fair/Scientology's Government Ties

I don't necessarily hold that Scientlology had anything to do with the death of Theresa Duncan - but she and Blake were highly agitated about the sect. This letter has a place in the repository because it sheds light on doings at Vanity Fair, behind the story that appeared under the byline of Nancy Jo Sales, and points up an intersection between Scientology and the State Department. Rupert Murdoch and other minions of the Failed Estate know more about all of this and are working it to their propagandistic advantage against "conspiracy theorists" in blogland.


A former intimate friend of Theresa Duncan's notes that she was not prone to fits of depression:

" ... I have more than a passing interest in the deaths of Theresa and Jeremy. I dated Theresa for about a year (before she met Jeremy), and in fact, I just learned from my sister that Jeremy Blake is the same Jeremy that was her best friend when they were both at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Knowing these two as we both did then, it makes little sense that this happened. Though it was so many years ago, the worst I could say about Theresa is that she was ungrounded, and unfocused; BUT CERTAINLY NOT DEPRESSED. She had far too much creative energy and a never ending quest to get to the truth of the world around her. I think in meeting Jeremy she indeed found her grounding and her focus and her place in the bigger picture. So then what was it that pushed her over the edge/ Did she find a 'truth' she could reconcile with her own being?" ... - Michael Ryan

- AC


Keep at this story because there is so much more to know that is not being told.

I still don't feel the Vanity Fair piece did justice by Morales' ex wife, Nancy Jo Sales, involved and her story left me wondering if she intentionally tried to make it seem as if Morales' left wing views had something to do with their 'paranoia'. Still, this recent comment from the SOMA blog helps put some of it in perspective:

"Blake on December 9, 2007 06:01 PM EST writes:

I was friends with Theresa and Jeremy for 13 years. A male reporter from Vanity Fair called me in September and we spoke a few times. In October I got a call from Nancy Jo Sales and learned the first reporter was no longer on the piece. I wasn't told why, but from my conversations with that first reporter it was clear he was trying to write a sensational tabloid-y piece. I say this because he didn't seem interested in talking about their art, projects, relationship. By stark contrast Nancy Jo was interested in hearing about them as people. Which is why I felt comfortable speaking to her, even about some of the more controversial things.

Also, I suggested the first reporter look into the Beck thing, but he seemed reluctant to go up against the COS. MAJOR kudos to Nancy Jo for going after that part of the story. It seems pretty important, and requires great bravery. "

Now, I know of and trust this guy, Blake Robin aka BARON VON LUXXURY
( )

I'm glad he says this about Sales going after the CoS because it confirmes what her REAL friends knew was going on.

What you might not know is that the Church of Scientology is considered by many to be actively infiltrating goverment and media organizations because that is part of their plan to take over the world. This is why German is trying to ban it from their country.

Among many documents, articles and writings available to back this up, there is also what Journalist Richard Leiby wrote about this back in 1979

What was done to Clearwater, FL Mayor Gabe Cazares was a part of that plan

The Church's Office of Special Affairs staff includes Sylvia Stanard also works for her husband John D Stanard [see bio below]. 'John has had a varied technology career as both a software developer and executive in the commercial and government IT sectors.'

Look at his clientele:

It's scary to think that these companies are just a fraction of Scientology members involved with sensitive government information.

Scientology's World Institute of Scientology Enterprises W.I.S.E.

Keep digging. Thanks
Mary McConnell
formerlyfooled at yahoo dot com
John D. Stanard III

Chief Finance Officer

John has had a varied technology career as both a software developer and executive in the commercial and government IT sectors. Through his first Internet company, Webworld Technologies, Inc. (link), he developed Web content management solutions and provided custom programming services and technology solutions to such organizations as (link), the U.S. Navy (link), the Federal Aviation Administration (link), Goodwill Industries International (link) and the U.S. Dept. of State (link). A published technology author, his credits include two books Reality ColdFusion: Intranets and Content Management, Peachpit (2002) and Spectra e-Business Construction Kit, QUE (2000).

Mr. Stanard has twice been a finalist for the Arlington County, Virginia, E-Council Tech-E Technology Executive of the Year award (2002 and 2004).

1 comment:

  1. I was with Frank Morales when he went up into the St. Mark's Rectory on July 10. He was not invited up for a drink. He had invited me to go out for dinner. I was concerned about the police and the ambulance that were trying to get into the rectory on the 11th Street entrance where the stairway was removed for repairs. When we went up using the church yard entrance, the NYPD turned us away saying it was a "crime scene." At that time we did not know that Theresa Duncan had committed suicide.

    I asked a police officer outside the rectory when the medical examiner would arrive. He said not for a while. At that point I knew that Theresa was dead because we had briefly seen Jeremy from the top of the rectory staircase.

    Realizing the Theresa was a Catholic, I suggested to Rev. Morales that he try to perform last rites so that her family could have a Catholic burial. He went back up and gained access to the apartment and to stay with Jeremy.

    In my mind, it is totally unethical for him to have relayed false statements to Ms. Sales following the event or even to have spoken about the details of her death to anyone in the press. Additionally, both Ms. Sales and Rev. Morales were never legally married. Morales is still married to writer Lisa Walker. He was reprimanded by Episcopal Bishop Mark Sisk for representing that he had a "spiritual marriage" to Ms. Sales. The whole Vanity Fair article represents serious comflicts of interest.
