Friday, February 8, 2008

Capitol Hill Blue: "To Hell with the Rabid Right Wing"

" ... If the federal government really wanted to stop terrorism in this nation, it should take the list of contributors to the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the last two campaigns of George W. Bush ... "

To Hell with the Rabid Right Wing
February 8, 2008
Capitol Hill Blue

... Conservatives fret and whine and wonder what the hell happened to their party.

Right-wingers need only look in the mirror to know what happened to their party. If the Republican Party is dead – and many think it should be – then the right wing killed in a blatant act of fratricide.

Conservatives had their shot – and they blew it. Their boy George W. Bush sent Americans to die in a war based on lies, shredded the Constitution and did everything he could to destroy the foundations of this nation by using powers he didn’t have. Bush’s brand of “conservatism” built the largest bureaucracy in history and he will leave office with the largest federal deficit ever.

The right-wing elected a Republican Congress that rubber-stamped Bush’s illegal actions, set new records for pork-barrel spending.

The rabid right wing has done more to destroy America than any Communist in China or Cuba, any Islam-spouting terrorist from the Middle East or any gun-toting white supremacist in Idaho.

Right-wingers are, by nature, racist, homophobic, misogynistic and dangerous. If the federal government really wanted to stop terrorism in this nation, it should take the list of contributors to the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Congressional Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the last two campaigns of George W. Bush and send everyone on that list to the prison camps at Gitmo. Wouldn’t take much space. Based on recent Federal Election Commission reports, there aren’t that many left who still waste their money on right-wing GOP causes.

... Right-wingers, like the outdated and outmoded principles they claim, are has-beens. The ideas and so-called “values” died a long time ago. It is long past time for they and their movement to join the corpses in that grave.

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