Thursday, February 7, 2008

NPR's Deborah Amos on Our Pending 10-Year Stay in Iraq

On NPR Correcpondent Deborah Amos, from the network's web site: "She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations ... " Clearly, she is a reporter who distances herself from power and authority to maintain objectivity and skirt an appearance of bias ...

"She has returned to work with NPR after a decade in television news, including ABC's Nightline and World News Tonight and the PBS programs NOW with Bill Moyers and Frontline.

"Amos won several awards, including an Alfred I. duPont-Columbia Award and a Breakthru Award, and widespread recognition for her coverage of the Gulf War in 1991. She spent 1991-92 as a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, and is the author of Lines in the Sand: Desert Storm and the Remaking of the Arab World (Simon and Schuster, 1992). ... In 1982, she received the Prix Italia, the Ohio State Award, and a duPont-Columbia Award for 'Father Cares: The Last of Jonestown'" ... "

I am unfamiliar with the latter, but Jonestown was a CIA medical and mind control experiment - do you imagine this crept into Amos's story, or was this segment one more "mainstream" medium cover-up? I will wager $1.00 that the Jonestown piece was a high-spin production, that she passed off Jonestown's CIA shills - particularly the Laytons - as legitimate sources, as the media always do.

A DuPont award? - DuPont, owners and company alike, collaborated with IG Farben and the Nazis during WW II ... and Jonestown was constructed on land leased by an attorney for IG Farben. Jones's parishiners in Guyana, mostly mental patients from San Franciso, were guinea pigs in highly illicit CIA-Pharma experiments, forced to cooperate at gun-point inside a Guantanamo-like concentration camp that came complete with guard towers and barbed wire - a clear conflict-of-interest, and Amos was rewarded for promoting the bogus Marxist/evangelical cover story, I'll wager again, double or nothing ... because NPR and the "mainstream" press have done nothing else since lying about Jonestown and the CIA's role in it 30 years ago.

- AC
" ... 'The picture she paints is really hopeless,' Kalamazoo College Interim Provost Jan Tobochnik said Tuesday after listening to Amos. 'We're going to be in there for a long, long time.' ... "

KALAMAZOO -- Prospects are dim for the U.S. military to get out of Iraq anytime soon, National Public Radio foreign correspondent Deborah Amos told an audience Tuesday at Western Michigan University.

Amos, who covers Iraq for NPR, also said our focus has largely strayed from the conflict there. "The discussion of Iraq isn't as clear as it should be,'' Amos said during a talk at WMU's Shaw Theatre.

"The economy has seized us,'' she said. "We've forgotten about Iraq.''
Amos, who spends most of her time in the Middle East, said she was surprised to see that Iraq was ranked fifth among top issues identified by people in Florida during the presidential primary.

"Nine hundred seventy-three fatalities later ... and the war is no longer the most pressing issue in the presidential campaign,'' she said. "Iraqis are no closer to reconciliation than the first day we were there.''

Amos said that many Iraqis capable of transforming the country have left. "Two million people have fled Iraq,'' which she described as "still in shambles.''

The NPR correspondent described witnessing Iraqis watching helplessly as neighbors get taken away by armed men. "You could get blown up by a car bomb or just disappear,'' she said of dangers people there face.

Iraqis don't anticipate the war ending for at least a decade, Amos said.

"The picture she paints is really hopeless,'' Kalamazoo College Interim Provost Jan Tobochnik said Tuesday after listening to Amos. "We're going to be in there for a long, long time.''

Max Clark, a WMU senior majoring in political science and creative writing, said he thinks it will take a catastrophe to generate more concern among Americans. ``We would need either a backslide in violence or a collapse in the military,'' Clark said.

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