Sunday, February 3, 2008

Nazi Collaborator/Revisionist M. Stanton Evans Defends Nazi Collaborator/Senator Joseph McCarthy

By Alex Constantine

In four painless steps:

1) Gunner Joe and the Nazis
2) Ultra-Con Phyllis Schlafly Runs Public Diplomacy for Nazi Collaborator Joe McCarthy
3) Profile of M. Stanton Evans
4) The Mockingbird College of State Propaganda: The National Journalism Center, Founded by Nazi Collaborator/Revisionist M. Stanton Evans

Gunner Joe and the Nazis (from a 2007 post of mine)

... Joseph McCarthy, the eye of the sturm und drang, was a hands-on Nazi collaborator, having freed Germans interred by the Allies at the end of the war. The late Mae Brussell: "Senator Joe McCarthy's two strongest supporters [in his Senate campaign] were Frank Seusenbrenner and Walter Harnisfeger. Both admired Adolf Hitler and made continuous trips to Germany…. Before he went after the Commies in the State Department, he had to release a few of Hitler's elite nazis lingering in the Dachau prison camp…. In 1949, during congressional hearings on the Malmedy Massacre … McCarthy invited himself to take over the entire testimony. He wasn't satisfied until the prison doors flew open. The most detestable and ugly battle of World War II, an assault upon Americans and civilians in Belgium, was ignored. Hitler's precious Generals Fritz Kraemer and Sepp Dietrick, along with Hermann Priess and many others, were free. With that business finished, McCarthy took on Robert Morris as chief counsel for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. Morris' earlier training in Navy Intelligence in charge of USSR counter-intelligence and psychological warfare could be utilized well by Senator Joe. Particularly the psychological warfare part. After McCarthy died, Morris moved to Dallas, Texas. He was a judge, and became president of Dallas University…."

One Nazi in particular, Nikolai Poppe, made a massive contribution to the right-wing furor over communism in the States. Poppe was a spy attached to Himmler's SS, assigned to the confiscation of Jewish property, director of the Wansee Institute (a think-tank that conducted studies on the USSR for the SS). In the postwar calm, Poppe went on to become a scholar at the University of Seattle, a well-known author on Tibetan Buddhism, a CIA expert on Mongolia.

Nazi Poppe participated in the most important case in McCarthy's alcohol-soaked career as an anti-communist. "No influence?" Bensky's scornful refutation is met directly by Christopher Simpson in Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effects on the Cold War (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988): "An incident during Poppe's career in the 1950s illustrates the DELICATE INFLUENCE that certain Nazi collaborators have had on domestic politics in the United States. Early in the McCarthy era, Professor Owen Lattimore, the director of the Walter Hines Page School of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University and a longtime advisor on Asian affairs to the State Department, was brought before a congressional investigation committee to face accusations of espionage and running a "communist cell" in the Institute for Pacific Relations. McCarthy, whose allegations were already drawing criticism from Democrats and even a few Republicans, had pledged that HIS ENTIRE ANTI-COMMUNIST CRUSADE WOULD "STAND OR FALL" on the supposed proof he had in the Lattimore case....

The supposed proofs against Lattimore, and ultimately the fate of McCarthy's blacklist, rested mainly on the word of Nikolai Poppe. Simpson found that Poppe's testimony "Proved to be an important element in the resurrection of McCarthy’s case against Lattimore, who he claims used his influence to block Poppe’s immigration to the United States prior to 1949." (pp. 118-122).

Lattimore was pursued by Joe McCarthy and his fellow far-right travellers for years, but eventually the evidence proved insufficient to convict and he moved to the UK in disgust to take a teaching job at the University of Leeds.

McCarthy’s covert relationship with Nazi imports continued into the Eisenhower decade thanks to a close partnership with CIA officer John Valentine Grombach, a domestic fascist who did more to fuel the Congressional anti-Communist "investigations" of the 1940s and ‘50s than anyone.

Grombach ran his own ultra-conservative, off-the-shelf, international spy network. One of his most vital assets was General Karl Wolff of the SS. Christopher Simpson writes in Blowback that Grombach, a fierce anti-communist, oversaw an imposing intelligence apparat, and it "effectively became the foreign espionage agency for the far-right." (p. 237) Including and especially Joe McCarthy’s stumble-bum anti-Communist crusade.

In addition, the Birch society - native fascists funded by the same American military-industrial syndicates that backed Hitler - supported McCarthy and drove the hysteria with far-right propaganda. To be sure, Nazis did influence the reactionary delusions of the Cold War era ... especially if we are willing to label all fascists, including American ones, as Nazis.

The rise of the Reich, after all, is not such a far remove from the Orwellian drift of the U.S. since WW II ...

Ultra-Con Phyllis Schlafly Runs Public Diplomacy for Nazi Collaborator McCarthy

Flushing out "secret communists" - by referencing FBI files and equally dubious souces, fascist state propagandist M. Stanton Evans is revising history to bail out a Nazi collaborator - call it a conspiracy, with ultra-con Phyllis Schlafly touting Mockingbird Evans and reinforcing his lies re Joe McCarthy:

From: History Shows Joe McCarthy's Reputation is Undeserved
By Phyllis Schlafly
Monday, January 28, 2008

... [M. Stanton] Evans' 663-page work, Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies (Crown Forum, $29.95), is the result of six years of reading primary sources. Evans proves that almost everything about McCarthy in current history books is a lie and will have to be revised.

It's an interesting sidelight that one of Reagan's old radio commentaries
referred to Evans as "a very fine journalist." He is, indeed, but this book
shows that he also is a Sherlock Holmes-type detective who chased every clue to find the truth and to write accurate history in elegant prose.

Evans' vindication of McCarthy was made possible by recently released files,
such as the Venona papers (the secret messages between Moscow and its
U.S. agents decrypted by our government and released in 1995), data from
Soviet archives, and executive-session transcripts of Senate committees that
were finally opened after a 50-year ban. Evans' book is copiously documented and reproduces some critical pages from never-before-released files.

In the early 1950s, Joe McCarthy was one of the most popular men in
America. Average U.S. citizens recognized him as Horatio at the Bridge
battling against our nation's sworn enemies, the Soviet Communists.

McCarthy understood, long before Reagan, that the Soviet Union was an evil
empire, one of whose strategies was to infiltrate agents into our government
in order to guide our policy to favor Communist goals. In fact, our government was much more infested with Soviet agents than McCarthy imagined.

It's now well known that Communist agents imbedded in high-ranking
positions included White House confidant Lauchlin Currie, State Department
official Alger Hiss and Treasury Department official Harry Dexter White. Evans quotes FBI files identifying atom bomb scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer as a secret Communist as early as 1942.

Taking on the anti-communist mission locked McCarthy in mortal combat
against powerful forces: two U.S. presidents, the vast federal bureaucracy,
malicious adversaries in Congress, left-wing lobby groups and the left-wing
media who made him their daily target.

McCarthy was concerned only with Communist security risks who influenced
U.S. policies. He never targeted Communists in Hollywood or academia. ...
Profile of M. Stanton Evans

ACU Board member M. Stanton Evans is the Director of the National Journalism Center in Washington, D.C. Evans is also publisher of Consumers’ Research Magazine, Chairman of the Education and Research Institute, visiting professor of journalism at Troy State University, and a contributing editor and columnist for Human Events.

M. Stanton Evans graduated from Yale University in 1955, with a B.A. in English. He has done graduate work in economics at New York University and earned an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Syracuse University.

Evans served as chairman of ACU during the sixties and seventies. From 1960 to 1974, he also served as editor for the Indianapolis Star.

During the seventies and eighties, Evans worked as a syndicated columnist as well as a political commentator for Radio America and CBS Radio and Television. He is the author of many renowned books including Revolt on Campus, The Liberal Establishment, The Politics of Surrender, The Future of Conservatism, The Lawbreakers, Clear and Present Dangers, and The Theme is Freedom.

Evans has also been an effective plaintiff in numerous Federal Court cases involving the First Amendment issue of “freedom of information.”
The Mockingbird College of State Propaganda: National Journalism Center, Founded by Nazi Collaborator/Revisionist M. Stanton Evans


From The National Journalism Center Site:

The National Journalism Center (NJC) ... has trained scores of students every year for over a quarter of a century in the skills of press work, and assigned them internships at cooperating media locations.

Founded by M. Stanton Evans in 1977, the NJC also operates a Job Bank to help place alumni in permanent media positions. Over 1,400 students have now graduated from the NJC's 12-week training sessions, held three times a year, and we estimate some 900 of these have gone on to media and media-related positions. Among the media outlets where NJCers have worked are the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal; ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and C-SPAN; Time, Newsweek, New Yorker, Harper's, Esquire, National Geographic, Readers' Digest, Wired, George, Details, Stuff and Forbes; AP, UPI, Dow Jones Newswire, Bloomberg News Service, Copley News Service, Knight Ridder News Service, and hundreds more. In addition, NJC alumni have written more than 100 books among them, many of which developed from projects at the NJC.

One reason NJCers do well in the outside world is the rigorous training they receive while in the program. This combines hands-on experience at more than four dozen cooperating media locations with in-depth reporting of key topics at the direction of our editors. The NJC has placed interns at more than 50 outside outlets, including ABC, Newsweek, CNN, New Republic, C-, National Journal, BBC, Nation's Business, Roll Call, Black Entertainment Television, The Hill, UPI, The City Paper, Larry King Live, and Washingtonian.

Throughout, the Center stresses not only the technical skills of journalism but understanding issues covered. To this end, the NJC sponsors a series of economic fellowships, in which students specialize in subjects that have an economic angle. As so many national issues such as health care and the environment have an economic aspect, this is essential to informed reporting.

Interns at the NJC additionally hear numerous speakers from the world of public policy and the media -- many of the latter themselves alumni of the program. As in all other facets of our training, the stress in these discussions is on the practice of the trade, not academic theory. Past speakers have included Brian Lamb of CNN, Ralph Bennett of Reader's Digest, Pat Korten of WTOP-AM radio, syndicated columnists Robert Novak, Fred Barnes and Donald Lambro, and many others.

Our internships are offered in the Spring, Summer and Fall every year. When the training is complete, we undertake to help alums with placement through our Job Bank service.

Our hope is to have still greater impact in the future. The NJC is a project of Young America's Foundation. If you would like more information, we encourage you to get in touch.

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