Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 19: Washington, D.C. Protest to Drive Out the Criminal Bush Regime

Too Many Years of a Criminal Regime!
5 Years of Illegitimate War! End It!
Drive the War Criminals from Office!

On March 19, the World Can't Wait, along with other organizations, plans to disrupt business as usual in Washington, D.C. Come to the home of the criminals! Events are happening all day sponsored by many groups.

World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime calls on you to gather in Lafayette Park at 1:30 pm with people in a sea of orange jumpsuits, in solidarity with and representing those that are being tortured in Guantanamo Bay Prison, Abu Ghraib, Bagram in Afghanistan, and CIA "black sites" around the globe. A demonstration showing that waterboarding IS TORTURE, is planned directly in front of the residence of the biggest war criminal in history. Join in acts of creative non-violent civil resistance!

The Park will become a rallying point for those determined to put an end to this illegitimate and immoral war, and who demand justice by driving the war criminals from Office now, not waiting until 2009! We are done with secret renditions, spying on people, lying to the public, using hundreds of signing statements to disobey laws, rounding up immigrants and detaining them in facilities still being built.

REGISTER HERE to let us know you're coming. Legal observers and jail support are planned for all protesters who need it. World Can't Wait and the Washington Peace Center are providing permitted space for those who won't be risking arrest. There are effective ways for everyone to join the protest. More info at 866 973 4463

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