Friday, April 11, 2008

Neurological Diseases Share a Common Cause
Originally published April 30 2007

Neurological disease names sound complex, but they often share a common cause
by Mike Adams

Western populations are plagued by mysterious neurological disorders that rarely, if ever, existed just a century ago. We have disorders with all kinds of complex sounding names like ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease, fibromyalgia and Alzheimer's disease. Most people have heard of these diseases, but just because we name them doesn't mean we know their cause.

Take Lou Gehrig's disease -- even conventional medicine admits that perhaps 90 percent of the cases have no known cause. They don't know what causes it, and that's because, as with many other degenerative diseases, Lou Gehrig's disease really isn't a disease at all. It's a name attached to a set of observations. It's really just things going wrong with the nervous system or the neuromuscular system, i.e. nutritional deficiencies and exposure to environmental toxins which conventional medicine prefers to sit back name rather than try to prevent.

If something similar were to go wrong with your car, you wouldn't call it "squeaky brakes disease" -- you would say the brakes need to be repaired. If the engine started knocking because of a lack of oil, you wouldn't diagnose your car with "engine knocking disease" - you would change the oil. The same thing is true in the human body. What we name these diseases doesn't mean anything; it's just a name. It's a short cut that says nothing about the underlying problem.

Poor nutrition and exposure to toxins are really the root cause of all these mysterious disorders. If you lack good nutrition -- vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids and so on -- and poison your body with the toxic chemicals found in personal care products, home cleaners, air fresheners, dryer sheets, laundry detergent, deodorant, shampoo, nail polish, and all the additives in food and beverages, then of course things are going to start to go wrong with your body.

No interest in reducing exposure to toxic chemicals

I find it interesting that the cancer industry and the big cancer non-profits still refuse to pursue preventing cancer by supporting the banning of cancer-causing chemicals. They choose to ignore the truth about cancer-causing chemicals in food, beverages, personal care products and in the workplace. They refuse to look at the chemical toxicities that are ever-present in the environment, and instead put their efforts into cancer treatment (because that's where the money is). Conventional medicine makes money in chemotherapy or cutting out tumors. There's no money to be made in preventing cancers.

There's a whole lot of money to be made in covering up the truth about toxic chemicals, however. Cancer organizations accept millions of dollars from sunscreen manufacturers, for example. And those sunscreen products are made with all sorts of toxic, cancer-causing chemicals that also happen to disrupt normal neurological function. If you look at where the money is coming from that supports most of the "disease" groups, it's all from the companies that expose consumers to synthetic chemicals: drug companies, processed food manufacturers, personal care product companies, and so on.

It is no coincidence that the mainstream disease groups keep the chemical causes of cancer and neurological disorders a big secret. They're primarily focused on treatment, not prevention. Because prevention would necessitate a discussion of why all these product companies are using such toxic chemicals in their foods, drugs and personal care products.

Preventing prevention

Virtually all the popular cancer groups out there -- including the non-profit cancer groups -- are focused on lucrative cancer treatments while avoiding cost-effective cancer prevention. When was the last time you actually heard a cancer group recommend that women get sunlight to prevent breast cancer? It doesn't happen. It's all about getting mammograms and chemotherapy. Sunlight is free, you see. There's no money in recommending sunlight, even though the creation of vitamin D through sunlight actually drops breast cancer rates by nearly fifty percent.

With good nutrition and avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals, we could eliminate around 90 percent of the cancer in modern nations. Doctors are not taught nutrition in medical school. They actually graduate from medical school as nutritionally ignorant practitioners of medicine. How can you claim to practice medicine when you don't understand the relationship between food and health?

Some doctors are so clueless about it that they don't believe such a relationship even exists. For many years, the advice from conventional medicine has been to eat three balanced meals a day and you get all the nutrition you need. It's nonsense, especially if you understand the depletion of nutrients in our soil and the way in which nutrients are processed out of foods during the manufacturing, storage and preparation processes. If you really understand nutrition, you also know that you must supplement your nutrition it in order to meet basic nutritional needs.

A heart association recommends foods that damage your heart

A solid understanding of nutrition is so rare today that even a well-known heart association continues to endorse processed food products that contain hydrogenated oils. Think about this for a minute: these are foods that contain trans fatty acids, and a heart association is still telling people it's fine to eat these foods. Trans fats are poison to the cardiovascular system and the heart. Why would any health association advise anyone to eat foods containing trans fatty acids? The answer, of course, is because these associations earn money by licensing their logos and recommendations to processed food manufacturers. Anything for a buck, it seems.

This kind of cowardly approach to health is prevalent across conventional medicine, and it usually involves conflicts of interest with the big corporations funding many of today's most prominent disease organizations. The American Diabetes Association, for example, accepted millions of dollars from soft drink companies and candy manufacturers. None of these disease organizations have been willing to stand up and tell the truth about nutrition and chemical toxicity. They aren't willing to stand up and say you should have absolutely no refined sugar in your diet, or that high fructose corn syrup promotes diabetes and obesity.

If you have good nutrition and you avoid exposure to environmental chemicals, then you won't express a disease even if you have the so-called gene that has been linked to it. These aren't genetic disorders -- there isn't some mysterious physical problem that can be corrected with surgery. There certainly isn't a disease caused by lack of pharmaceuticals, so treating them with drugs is ridiculous. Most neurological disorders are caused by nutritional deficiencies combined with exposure to environmental toxins. If you really want the answer to all these mysterious neurological disorders -- not just the ones we have names for today, but the ones that will be named in the future -- then all you have to do is examine what the body is exposed to. Consider everything that touches the intestines, the lungs and the skin. If it contains synthetic chemicals, it's going to promote cancer and neurological disorders.

The fact that these neurological disorders all have complex-sounding names is just a distraction from what's truly causing them. Giving a disease a name implies that modern medical practitioners know how to eliminate it. But they don't. Treating symptoms is not the same as helping a patient resolve the underlying conditions that caused the disease in the first place.

You want to prevent or treat your own neurological disorder or cancer? Knowing where to start is simple: Get all the synthetic chemicals out of your life. Permanently!

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