Monday, April 28, 2008

A (Somewhat Neglected) CIA Connection to the Franklin Cover-Up: The Carmen Group PR & Lobbying Form

From the Omaha World-Herald, Nov 20, 1988:

... Last summer, at the Republican convention in New Orleans, [Lawrence] King orchestrated a party for about 1,000 people under the auspices of the Council on Minority Americans, a group that he headed.

Held inside the building where Mardi Gras floats are stored, the reception featured ample helpings of food amid 50-foot-high Cleopatra statues and other Mardi Gras decorations.

King hired a Washington, D.C., public relations firm to help with the event and prepare a short film that was shown to guests. King's catering company provided food and Omaha florist Daniel Janousek took a staff to New Orleans to set up displays of exotic flowers.

"Clearly it was an expensive party," said David Carmen of Carmen, Carmen & Hugel Inc., the firm hired by King. In an interview from Washington, Carmen estimated that the event cost about $00,000.

Although the council was the sponsor of the event, Carmen said, he believes that the bills went to King. Court records indicate that Carmen's firm was paid $7,839 by King, but Carmen said not all that money was for New Orleans expenses. He said his firm also assisted King in applying for federal grants.

Carmen said King has hired other Washington consultants and public relations aides on other projects.

"Larry has a pretty high profile in Washington," he said. "He's donated to a lot of causes."
Carmen Group Wikipedia Entry

.... Carmen Group is a lobbying firm in Washington, D.C..

Carmen Group was founded by David Carmen in 1985. He has advised many United States Governors, Mayors, Congressmen and Senators on policy and served as a political advisor to former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush. He was appointed to the Presidential Rank Review Board which recommends to President Bush outstanding career members of the Senior Executive Service for the government's top commendation.

Carmen Group donated office space to the Bush/Clinton Katrina fund, supports Project 312 of the national "I Have a Dream" foundation and provides two annual merit scholarships at American University's School of Public Policy.
Max C. Hugel, R.I.P.
Human Events, Apr 23, 2007

As New Hampshire conservatives consider their options in OS, they also mourn the passing of one of their longtime leaders. Max Hugel, businessman and longtime contributor to conservative causes and candidates, died on February 19 of cancer. He was 81.

Many who knew the quick-witted entrepreneur and recalled the generosity with which he assisted conservatives were surprised to learn that the Bronxborn Huge! was raised in an orphanage. At age 18, he enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War II. He attended the Military Intelligence School at the University of Michigan and became fluent in Japanese. Hugel served in Japan during the post-war occupation.

After his discharge, he held a variety of jobs, and in 1954, he launched Brother International Corp., the U.S. arm of the Japanese exporter of sewing machines. He sold the company in 1975 and then became chief operating officer of Centronics Data Computer Corp. in New Hampshire, which manufactured early computer printers. In 1980. Hugel helped Ronald Reagan win the New Hampshire presidential primary and then chaired the national voters group division in the general election.

William J. casey, Reagan's campaign manager and later CIA director, named Hugel. with whom he had been friends since they were both in business in New York, as deputy director for administration and then deputy director for operations at the intelligence agency. Although he denied any wrongdoing, Hugel left following published reports that he had profited from insider stocktrading deals. Hugel won a libel suit against his accusers.

Hugel then joined fellow New Hampshire Reaganaut Gerald Carmen in launching the Carmen Group, which would become one of the top Washington. D.C.. lobbying firms. In 1983, Hugel and three partners purchased Rockingham thoroughbred race track after a fire destroyed it. Under his aegis, the races at the park again became one of New Hampshire's largest tourist attractions.

Carmen Group Incorporated 1301 K Street NW Ste 800 E
Washington, DC


$13,050 was given by people who identified their employer as "CARMEN GROUP".

$8,350 from 7 people to Republicans
$4,700 from 2 people to Democrats

Sydney Ferguson
Mitt Romney
$2,300 4508 HOBAN NW
Washington DC

Marisa Paul
John McCain
$2,250 900 ARMY NAVY DRIVE
Arlington VA

William Signer
Carmen Group
Hillary Clinton
Washington DC

David M. Carmen
Carmen Group
Tommy Thompson
Washington DC

Aron Griffin
Mitt Romney
$300 3048 S BUCHANAN ST
Arlington VA

Max Brown
Carmen Group
Joe Lieberman
$2,000 3208 Q ST NW
Washington DC

Max Brown
Carmen Group
Dick Gephardt
320 Q ST NW
Washington DC

Michael Russell
Carmen Group
George W. Bush
Fulton MD

George W. Bush
$1,000 5013 17TH ST N

George W. Bush
Max Hugel, 81; CIA deputy helped rebuild Rockingham

By Globe Staff
February 24, 2007

Max Hugel, who had a tumultuous stint as director of the CIA's covert operations before helping to rebuild Rockingham Park race track after a devastating fire, died of cancer Monday at his horse farm in Ocala, Fla. He was 81.

Mr. Hugel was also a voice for conservative issues in New Hampshire. ...

After being named CIA director in 1981, Casey sought to shake up the agency and choose Mr. Hugel, an outsider businessman with scant experience in espionage, as head of overseas clandestine activities.

It was a job that had traditionally been filled by an intelligence professional.

Many in the intelligence community and on Capitol Hill derided Mr. Hugel as a political appointee.

His tenure lasted only five months. A pair of former business associates who were brothers accused him of improper stock-trading practices, a charge that Mr. Hugel vehemently denied. The allegations, plus backlash from agents and career officials inside the Central Intelligence Agency, prompted Mr. Hugel to resign as deputy director.

No federal or state authorities charged him of wrongdoing. Mr. Hugel later sued the brothers for libel in connection with news reports about the events in the Washington Post and won.

In 1983, Mr. Hugel joined three other partners to buy Rockingham Park. The race track, oldest in New England, had been closed since a fire three years earlier.

For much of the next quarter century, Mr. Hugel was chairman of the partners' group, Rockingham Venture Inc. The group had also run Seabrook Dog Track.

The partners introduced night racing to Rockingham Park, along with expanded simulcasting, poker nights, and other off-season activities. Despite industrywide difficulties in horse racing, Rockingham has remained one of the Granite State's leading tourist attractions.

"Everyone at the track is certainly going to miss Max," said a statement issued by Ed Callahan, vice president and general manager of Rockingham Park. "He was a tremendous character."

Mr. Hugel also had several other business ventures. After leaving an Army intelligence unit in the Far East in 1947, he founded a Japan-based export firm that he later merged into Centronics Data Computer Corp. of Hudson, N.H., an early maker of computer printers.

Most recently, he was vice chairman of the Carmen Group, a lobbying firm in Washington, D.C.

He maintained his interest in politics. Strongly backed by archconservative publisher William Loeb of the Manchester Union-Leader, Mr. Hugel nearly won the chairmanship of the state GOP committee in 1985, losing to Elsie Vartanian, who had the support of Governor John Sununu.

Mr. Hugel, who had also lived in Nashua and Windham, N.H., leaves his wife, Diane of Ocala, Fla.; four children, Susan of Parkland, Fla., Richard of Oakton, Va., David of Springfield, Va., and Christine Robey of Goshen, Ky.; and 10 grandchildren.

Memorial services and burial will be at Arlington National Cemetery at a date to be announced.
Sept. 26, 2005
Press Release

Star Scientific Announces New Directors

Star Scientific, Inc. (NASDAQ:STSI) today announced the appointment of two new members to the company's Board of Directors: Ambassador Gerald P. Carmen and Christopher Chapman, MD.

Ambassador Carmen was Administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA) from 1981 to 1984, when President Reagan appointed him U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva with the rank of ambassador. In 1989, he was appointed President and CEO of the Federal Asset Disposition Corporation (FADA), the predecessor of the current Resolution Trust Corporation. At that time FADA managed assets with an estimated aggregate value of $4 billion. Prior to his government service, Ambassador Carmen owned a chain of automotive stores. Ambassador Carmen currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Ezenia, Inc., and chairs the audit committee of that board. Other board memberships have included the Northeast Savings Bank, a $9 billion Connecticut bank acquired by Fleet; Federal Home Loan Bank Board of Boston; Gruen Marketing Corporation; and Mediplex. He also is a founding partner of Carmen, Carmen and Hugel in Washington, DC, now known as the Carmen Group (, where he currently is a senior consultant. The Carmen Group's annual revenues places it among the top 25 lobbying firms in Washington, DC. A lifelong resident of New Hampshire, Ambassador Carmen served three terms as Chairman of that state's Republican Party. ...

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