Saturday, July 12, 2008


George Michael Evica's A Certain Arrogance

A Book Review
by Robert D. Morningstar
November 22, 2006

Oh, how terrible and barbarous are those Islamic Fundamentalists! How devious and demonic appear those Mullahs and Ayatollahs shown to us on CNN and Fox News each day and night, manipulating and perverting the religious teachings of a "religion of peace" to indoctrinate young minds towards self-destruction, suicide bombing and terrorism. How perverse of them it is to use religion as an excuse to attain political and military objectives. And, Oh, how much more moral are we than they! We, the self-righteous, morally and ethically "superior" Westerners who eschew such debased use of religious dogma as propaganda and mass mind-control tactics in the indoctrination of our own citizens.

"Not so!" might say Professor George Michael Evica, an outstanding and well-respected expert of JFK assassination and US intelligence history, through his riveting new book, entitled A Certain Arrogance. In A Certain Arrogance (Iron Sights Press, 2006), Professor Evica reveals the history of the recruitment and indoctrination of US intelligence assets (spies/assassins) for OSS and CIA beginning during World War II when, through the work of OSS members Wild Bill Donovan and Allan Dulles, religious institutions, particularly, the Unitarian Church and the Quaker movement, were used as "fronts" in the selection and culling of candidates for espionage and special operations by America's intelligences services, OSS and CIA, domestically and abroad.

From OSS World War II operations in Switzerland to the Congo of the 1950s and 1960s to Patrice Lamumba University in Moscow, Evica takes the reader on a meticulously documented tour of international intrigues involved in the training of intelligence operatives through their education and indoctrination at various institutions run by religious organizations. Foremost among these in American intelligence gathering and special operations were the Unitarian Church and the Quakers. However, Evica shows us that these are not the same Quakers we think of when we remember the warmth and quiet courage of Gary Cooper and Friendly Persuasion.

Professor Evica begins his chronicle of covert operations with the recruitment, education and indoctrination of Lee Harvey Oswald as began his peregrinations in 1958-59 toward his defection to Russia by passing through Switzerland's Albert Schweitzer College, where the CIA and FBI maintained contacts and operatives.

Evica chronicles the historic role of the Rockefeller clan in funding "missionary activities throughout the world" for intelligence gathering and suppression of undesirable activist social movements beginning in the early 188o's to gather intelligence information in order to quash American Indian activities in the West. Evica states:

"As early as 1883, the Rockefellers had 'used [Christian] missionaries to gather intelligence about [Native American] insurgencies in the West or to discourage them.' In the United States and later throughout Central and South America, Family Rockefeller power was linked to Christian missionary work."

The Rockefeller method of using Christian military activities in conjunction with financial power proved to be so successful in consolidating the Rockefeller Empire in the Americas that it was then employed in the Far East, in China, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan. By 1957, the Rockefellers had enlisted American Fundamentalist Revivalism as a national power base and put their support behind the evangelist, Billy Graham.

Evica's book takes the reader back and forth across continents and oceans both to the Far East, Korea and Nationalist Taiwan, and to Europe, but always after short side trips, Evica returns the travels of Lee Harvey Oswald as he made his way inevitably to Dallas, Texas and the site of the JFK Assassination.

Ruth and Michael Paine
A Quaker & A Unitarian
Lee Oswald's Dallas "Handlers"

Throughout his meandering journey, Oswald repeated encounters operatives of Unitarian, Quaker and Southern Baptist Fundamentalist missionary activities. For example, Oswald's "friends" and hosts in Dallas, Michael and Ruth Paine, who took Marina Oswald under her wing, were associated with both the Unitarian and the Quaker missionary movements. Evica suggests (as this writer has often asserted) that Michael Paine, "a physical Oswald double," may have acted in that capacity to bring attention in a negative way to Oswald's activities by setting up "political confrontations" at Southern Methodist University on Sundays after attending as "a communicant at a 'nearby' Unitarian Church."

The religious intrigues surrounding the life and death of Lee Harvey Oswald, as detailed and documented by Evica in this masterful work, shed a disturbing light on the events in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and suggest an almost direct link to current history-altering and world-shaping national and international events in which our nation is today engaged (although "embroiled" may be a more appropriate term).

The importance of this work is self-evident and shows that the JFK assassination is as important today as on the day it happened, exactly 43 years ago today (I chose to compose on this day intentionally for this reason). George Michael Evica's close friend and research associate for many years, Charles Drago, writes in his eloquent introduction to "A Certain Arrogance":

"A Certain Arrogance stands as Professor Evica's response to the unavoidable question: How do we define and effect justice in the wake of the world-historic tragedy in Dallas?

Clearly he understands that, at this late date, being content merely to identify and, if possible, prosecute the conspiracy's facilitators and mechanics would amount to hollow acts of vengeance. Cleaning and closing the wound while leaving the disease to spread is simply not an option." Mr. Drago goes on to make analogy between the JFK Assassination and a cancer that continues to spread through our government and contaminates and taints our history.

From this short and eloquent diagnosis, current events clearly demonstrate that "the cancer" which infected government policy and national politics that day in Dallas, November 22nd, 1963 still persists, continues to grow in virulence and has created an all too patient but sick nation. The question remains "What is the remedy that will rid us of the cancer but not kill the patient?" This reviewer's response is:

The remedy that will heal the nation and stop the cancer from spreading any farther is achieving "Justice for JFK."

I recommend A Certain Arrogance to all those good citizens who are interested in recovering our national security from the Machiavellian manipulation of misguided patriot actors and religious fanatics who at the core are not dissimilar in credo, strategy and tactics from those same terrorists from whom they pretend to defend us.
Greg Parker writes,

... The Unitarian Church/International Association for Religious Freedom owned and operated the Albert Schweitzer College to which Oswald applied while still in the Marines with Thornley at Santa Ana.

During this same period, publisher r-w RC Hoile was giving lectures at Unitarian Churches and Exchange Clubs in Orange County.

Also touring Unitarian Churches in the area at that time giving lectures were Stephen Fritchman, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow - all representing the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (WBSI).

Vaughn Marlowe has advised that he knew a Skinnerite at UCLA who was associated with the WBSI - leaving open the distinct possibility that Skinner himself was associated with it.

BF Skinner was a product of Army Intelligence. The book A Clockwork Orange was based on Skinner's experiments in behavioral control. Skinnerites were supporters of his theories involving reward/punishment.

I have not found evidence of Skinner being involved personally with the WBSI, though certainly, he and Rogers were well acquainted, Additionally, Rogers often quoted Skinner in his lectures.

Rogers, late in life, admitted his research into controlling human behavior was on behalf of the CIA. ...

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