Monday, November 3, 2008

Nowhere man: a farewell to Dubya, all-time loser in Presidential history

" ... Where, O where are you, Dubya, as the action passes you by like a jet skirting dirty weather? ... "

Simon Schama
The Guardian
November 3 2008

"Forgotten but not gone" was the way in which the supremo of Boston politics, Billy Bulger, liked to dismiss the human irritants he had crushed beneath his trim boot. The same could now be said for the hapless 43rd President of the United States as the daylight draws mercifully in on his reign of misfortune and calamity. How is he bearing up, one wonders, as the candidate from his own party treats him as the carrier of some sort of infectious political disease? How telling was it that the most impassioned moment in John McCain's performance in the final debate was when he declared: "I am not George Bush." ...


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