Monday, December 29, 2008

Was the FBI's Mark Felt "Deep Throat?"/"Deep Throat"'s Operation COINTELPRO Dwarfed Watergate in Criminality

" ... Woodward limited the investigation to the cover-up of a routine phone tap, slush funds, bribes and "what the president knew." Behind the whitewash you find CHAOS, the interagency assassination program, and Nixon connections to the Kennedy murders, CIA & drugs and other atrocities. Woodward's intelligence function was to publicly contain these horror stories and limit the damage to the same intelligence community that had no qualms about recruiting Nazis and provoking genocidal wars. What do you expect from these bottom feeders? Woodward is one of them - a Linda Lovelace with no gag reflex. ... "

By Alex Constantine

Woodward didn't need a secret informant because he had the second-highest known security clearance as a Naval intelligence officer assigned to the Pentagon, where, it has been reported, he briefed steely-jawed fascist Al Haig. This was SIX mere months before taking a reporter's position (intelligence assignment?) at the Washington Post - a charge that he has publicly denied.

That's a serious lie - especially considering that he's entrusted with feeding the masses credible information on critical national issues- but he had to deny it or the whole charade behind the books and movie falls apart and he's no longer top cat.

But he's been caught fabricating facts since, offers no real explanation, just moves on to the next stretcher.

Remember, " ... Woodward asserted that the outing of Plame caused no serious damage ... " Etc. Bald-faced about it, too.

Then we learned that Woodward had been leaked the CIA connection and had a secret, vested interest in lying about the case, conveniently not mentioning that he was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Plame investigation.

Academics challenged the claim that Mark Felt was Deep Throat, but the Mockingbird press ran with it anyways - with some cautions. Now they state it as a fact, disregarding those informed reservations.

Par for the course - the corporate-military media (including the Post) are a garden for planted stories, and opinion formation around deliberate disinformation ("Chavez is a communist dictator!" - "Bird Flu will kill hundreds of millions worldwide!" - "Bruce Ivins did it all!" - "Nutrasweet is safe!" - "Oswald killed Kennedy!" "The CIA denies importing contra cocaine!" - "WMDs in Iraq!" - "Mark Felt was Deep Throat!') is commonplace.

"In his most recent book, Bush at War, Bob Woodward brags that he was given access to the deeply classified minutes of National Security Council meetings. ... "

What do you say about a reporter like this, how to describe him? Red-lights come to mind ...

Deep Throat was a complex of Woodward himself in collusion with officials of the CIA, FBI and military intelligence. Woodward limited the investigation to the cover-up of a routine phone tap, slush funds, bribes and "what the president knew." Behind the whitewash you find CHAOS, the interagency assassination program, and Nixon connections to the Kennedy murders, CIA & drugs and other atrocities. Woodward's intelligence function was to publicly contain these horror stories and limit the damage to the same intelligence community that had no qualms about recruiting Nazis and provoking genocidal wars. What do you expect from these bottom feeders? Woodward is one of them - a Linda Lovelace with no gag reflex
Deep Throat's Operation COINTELPRO dwarfed Watergate in criminality

December 22, 2008
by Michael Richardson, Boston Progressive Examiner

William Mark Felt was 'Deep Throat' of Watergate infamy, but he was not the hero some have portrayed him for his disclosures of Richard Nixon's 'Plumbers' squad. Felt was a counter-intelligence agent during WWII as a new recruit to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For years leading up to the Watergate burglary, Felt was chief of the Inspection Division at the Bureau and oversaw a massive, clandestine operation against domestic political targets code-named COINTELPRO.

At the time of Watergate, J. Edgar Hoover was director of the FBI and was responsible for the creation of COINTELPRO. Felt's role was quality-control over field operations. Felt sat on the COINTELPRO directorate and never blew the whistle on illegal conduct by FBI agents nationwide that went on for years.

As chief inspector, Felt monitored and approved a host of illegal operations nationwide directed at hundreds of individual targets including harassment, false prosecutions, threats, blackmail, and inciting violence.

Hoover's secret war on domestic political activists had a lethal ferocity against the main targets, the Black Panther Party. The undercover operation functioned at full steam from the mid-60's until a break-in at the Media, Pennsylvania satellite FBI office in March 1971 which revealed COINTELPRO memos.

Noam Chomsky recently put Watergate and COINTELPRO in context during an interview with journalist Hans Bennett. Chomsky explained, "The information about COINTELPRO actually came out at the same time as the Watergate crisis (mid-70's)."

"Here's the national political police--for four administrations--carrying out a massive campaign of repression leading all the way to assassinations. It targeted everyone--including the women's-New Left-and Black movements--and the media simply didn't care."

Chomsky continued, "That shows how human and civil rights are valued by the political and intellectual elite."

Felt was hauled before a U.S. Senate committee investigating COINTELPRO five times but stonewalled the committee. In his autobiographical memoir, Felt was unrepentant calling the investigation "an exercise in futility and frustration."

Felt advocated continuing COINTELPRO's illegal tactics. "I emphasized as strongly as I could that our country's complacency against domestic terrorism would eventually lead to disaster."

Felt's enthusiasm for dirty tricks caused him to order illegal wiretaps after Hoover's death. Felt was prosecuted and convicted for his misdeeds but pardoned by President Ronald Reagan and escaped punishment for his crimes.

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