Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Flight 3407: Kreindler & Kreindler Cons Buffalo with a Psyop/Cover Story

Edited by Alex Constantine

In two parts:

1) "Top aviation law firm digs into the case," WIVB-TV News4News, Buffalo, NY - Daniel Rose, a former Navy pilot in Iraq and a partner at Kreindler and Kreindler, is going to "investigate" the disaster. Mr. Rose is limiting his probe to "pilot error," of course. The crash only looks like sabotage and assassination of activists, witnesses and co-conspirators that the Bush administration wanted out of the way. But who in that Republican circle, with its fine, immutable "conservative principles," would stoop to political assassination?

2) "Kreindler & Kreindler Law Firm is a Cynical CIA Psyop Tool" - I originally posted this data in 2006. My motto: "The cover-up proves the crime." K&K is on intimate terms with the CIA, and has been central to covering up a score of covert ops/mass murders. K&K was also, as documented, instrumental in selling the American public on the Iraq War with a psychological operation falsely linking Saddam Hussein to 9/11 and the A-Bomb. Fox News: " ... Kreindler & Kreindler, a Park Ave. law firm that has been working overtime to establish a money trail leading from Saddam Inc.’s amassed loot to al-Qaeda’s coffers. ... " Yes, it's that kind of law firm ... Jim Kreindler on 9/11: "Immediately I suspected a terrorist attack and I found myself thinking about another terrorist event that dominated the attention of our law firm since 1988 – the bombing of Pan Am 103 by operatives of the Libyan government. ... " Sure-sure ...
1) Top aviation law firm digs into the case
23 Mar 2009
Posted by Emma Orn

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - We're still waiting for conclusive answers about what caused the horrific crash of Flight 3407 in Clarence Center. One of the nation's top aviation law firms is digging into the case.

Daniel Rose, a former Navy pilot [carrier-based attack pilot on board the U.S.S. Independence, where he participated in Desert Shield] and a partner with Kreindler and Kreindler recently sat down with Investigative Reporter Luke Moretti. He said the firm's own investigation is focusing on the flight crew's experience and training.

"Certainly in a major airline you would never see the pairing of experience that we see here. You would have easily, either one, the pilot or co-pilot having thousands of hours in that particular plane before they were introduced to a co-pilot or a pilot that had much lesser time," Aviation Attorney Daniel Rose said.

One key piece of evidence is the cockpit voice recorder. Investigative reporter Luke Moretti will have more on that coming up Monday night on News 4 at 11.

Kreindler & Kreindler Law Firm is a Cynical CIA Psyop Tool

ENTER FOX NEWS (CIA) BIAS - http://www.newsmax.com/archives

One of Fawcett’s clients is Kreindler & Kreindler, a Park Ave. law firm that has been working overtime to establish a money trail leading from Saddam Inc.’s amassed loot to al-Qaeda’s coffers. ... “We think Saddam’s laundered money was used in part to provide financial support to al-Qaeda, and we’re looking at billions of dollars hidden in financial institutions and companies,” says attorney James Kreindler.
Mark Labaton, KK

KK Logic


... Kreindler confidently countered the prevailing wisdom about the crash of TWA 800.... "TWA 800 exploded at 13,700 feet in calm weather. It would have taken a huge bomb to bring that plane down, and the larger the bomb, the more difficult it is to smuggle onto a plane. So we felt from the very beginning that we were looking at mechanical or structural failure."

[Excuse my skepticism ...]


In Oil-for-Food, "Every contract tells a story," says John Fawcett, a financial investigator with the New York law firm of Kreindler & Kreindler LLP, which has sued the financial sponsors of Sept. 11 on behalf of the victims and their families. In an interview, Mr. Fawcett and his colleague, Christine Negroni, run down the lists of Oil-for-Food authorized oil buyers and
relief suppliers, pointing out likely terrorist connections. One authorized oil buyer, they note, was a remnant of the defunct global criminal bank, BCCI.
Another was close to the Taliban while Osama bin Laden was on the rise in Afghanistan; a third was linked to a bank in the Bahamas involved in al Qaeda's financial network; a fourth had a close connection to one of
Saddam's would-be nuclear-bomb makers.
Mark Labaton

Mark Labaton, is a partner at the firm Kreindler & Kreindler, LLP, with offices in New York and LA. The firm handles cases including securities and consumer class actions, and FCA whistleblower, antitrust, and
consumer cases.

His resume includes 7 years as an Assistant US Attorney for the Central District of California, where he prosecuted white-collar fraud cases, including whistleblower actions...


As an Assistant United States Attorney, Mark investigated and brought numerous high-profile cases in Los Angeles, Orange, and Ventura Counties to successful conclusions. These included white-collar fraud cases against prominent banking presidents andother executives of well-known financial institutions — such as the infamous Bank of Credit and Commerce
International and other highly-publicized bank failures — as well as whistle blower cases involving healthcare, defense contracting, minority and women
contracting, and other governmental programs....


Mark received awards and commendations from United States Attorney General Janet Reno, several United States Attorneys, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as well the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of the Inspector General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Immigration and Naturalization Service ....

... funded with a Ford Foundation grant ...
Kreindler & Kreindler Humor


... As in the game Monopoly, sometimes practical alliances can be formed for tactical purposes against a common enemy. A detailed argument relating to the connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda can be found online in the trillion dollar complaint against Iraq filed by the law firm Kreindler & Kreindler in connection with 9/11....

And in the New York Observer, Nina Burleigh in February profiled attorney Brian Alexander of the prominent plaintiff's air-crash firm of Kreindler &
Kreindler, who had "already filed a suit -- on behalf of the families of more than 1,000 9/11 families against a list of foreign entities hundreds of pages
long." ("Air Disasters, Legal Fees And Justice for the Victims", New York Observer, Feb. 23).


This may be uncharted waters, but I was thrown in a pool on Sept. 11, 2001, and had to learn to swim," says 9/11 widow Monica Gabrielle, of West Haven, Conn. "No one has been fired. No one has been demoted. The same people who are guarding us today on an elevated security alert are the same people who were working that day." She describes her late husband, Richard
Gabrielle, an insurance broker who lay trapped underneath rubble as the South Tower collapsed: "He was a gentle man, and he was alive, trying to get out of that building that day. The dead. The dying. The smoke. The terror. No one should have suffered like that. I want accountability. I need answers."

Gabrielle is represented by Kreindler & Kreindler, the Manhattan firm that won $2 million in 1995 for 13 American Airlines passengers who had experienced 28 seconds of severe turbulence. Gabrielle is one of many
plaintiffs represented by the firm who have joined others in filing suit against the airlines and security firms involved in 9/11. Also named are Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, certain governments, and parties accused of masterminding the attacks.

As Gabrielle's attorney, Brian Alexander, sees it, the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund is the byproduct of powerful airline lobbying. "The legislation[that created the fund] was designed to protect the airlines first and foremost—and it was airline lobbyists who pushed it," Alexander says. "The Victim Compensation Fund for the families was an afterthought." ??Skeptical of the Mariani suit's chances, Alexander says, "At the end of the day there are legal defenses that the government can take, they get to be stupid, they can be as negligent as all get-out, and they will still win, especially when you're talking about intelligence."

But Mariani's goal is not victory in court, but a closer pass at the truth.
Kreiger & Kreiger Does 'Em All


Founded in 1950, Kreindler & Kreindler LLP (www.kreindler.com) is nationally recognized as the first and most prominent aviation law firm in the nation. With offices in New York and Los Angeles, the firm has been the leading plaintiff legal counsel on hundreds of aviation cases, including major ones such as the September 11 terrorist attacks, Pan Am\Lockerbie Flight 103, Korean Airlines Flight 007, TWA Flight 800 and American Airlines Flight 587, and many cases of small private and commercial crashes. The
leading legal textbook in the aviation field, "Aviation Accident Law," was authored by members of the firm.
James P. Kreindler & Kings County (Brooklyn) District Attorneys' Office


James P. Kreindler

James P. Kreindler joined Kreindler & Kreindler in 1983 and became a partner in 1987. He is a magna cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, 1977. He received his J.D. degree from Columbia University in 1980,
where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone scholar. He began his career as an Assistant District Attorney in the Kings County (Brooklyn) District Attorneys' Office.

Kings County (Brooklyn) District Attorneys' Office & Mafia


American Mafia is not only a body count of the corrupt. Reppetto rewards the reader with surprising facts concerning the FBI's origin, J Edgar Hoover's
history of slouching away from organized crime, the infiltration of the movie industry by the mob, the criminal corruption in the political machine that
produced President Truman and, for contrast, the striking figure of Henry Morgenthau, Jr, using among other things, Treasury to fight crime. Reppetto offers an example of political arithmetic. If Costello controlled New York County (+1), and Adonis controlled Kings County (+1), what did that add up to in controlling Bronx boss Ed Flynn who had to answer to Governor Lehman and President Roosevelt should New York County and Kings County fall out of their baskets in configuring the Democrat control of New York State? If your answer is 2, leave the room and while out there reflect on the fact that, according to Reppetto, when Flynn was Bronx County sheriff Dutch Schultz was issued a deputy sheriff's badge....

As racketeering seeped through New York's labor unions, the clothing, trucking, and other industries, Tammany leader Jimmy Hines, by controlling judges and prosecutors like prostitutes, protects Dutch Schultz and Luciano. Joe Adonis in Brooklyn had similar power over the Kings County District Attorney.


  1. Flight 3407--The Hijack Scenario

    So far no cause has been determined for the crash of Colgan Air Flight 3407 outside Buffalo, NY on 2--12-09. Though heavy initial speculation has focused almost exclusively on ice buildup as the problem:
    "So many ‘experts’ have been put before the American people in just the first day that it is now the accepted wisdom that ice was indeed the cause making all other evidence to the contrary suspect in these poor people's minds."

    Though it is clear that the plane was flying normally one minute and then pitching wildly in the sky the next:
    "It was instantaneous," Chealander said. "All of the sudden they had a handful [of problems] and then down it came."

    It is also clear that the FBI was heavily involved in the recovery efforts, though their official purpose there were as crime investigators:
    “We’re conducting a medical and legal investigation; the NTSB is conducting the mechanical investigation, and [u]law enforcement is conducting a criminal investigation[/u],” (County Health Commissioner Dr. Anthony J.)Billittier said.

    The FBI is tasked as the lead investigative agency for crimes aboard aircraft in flight, especially in cases of air piracy--aka 'skyjacking.' So let us now look at hijacking as a possible source of the plane crash.

    What is the evidence for such? Almost none. However, there is almost no evidence that icing was the cause either. We do know that whatever happened was sudden and catastrophic, which would logically lead away from the 'icing' hypothesis, as one would expect icing to be a slower, more gradual buildup of problems on the plane had it been the cause. Most tellingly, the investigators have not released the cockpit voice recorder(CVR) for the last 30 seconds of flight, the time when the plane began to experience problems to when it hit the ground. What better evidence than the voices of those best positioned to have an informed position to tell us what went wrong--the flight crew in the cockpit?

    How about the motive? If this had been an attempted hijacking, what would have been the motive? Have the plane fly to Cuba? No. Hold the passengers for ransom? Unlikely. Have the plane crash into the ground in a politically motivated suicide attack? Possibly, but why not do as the 9/11 attackers did--fly the plane into a high value target on the ground to achieve a greater political impact?

    Though at this point a skeptic might ask: why not hijack the plane early and attack another target in Manhattan? Newark airport is right across the Hudson from New York City, after all. To this I can only say it would have looked terribly odd to the American people if yet another administration had to deal with an attack on our nation's financial capital early into the new president's term. Two new wars, restrictions on our liberties at home, just to have the terrorists do it all over again in the same place? No, that could have backfired disastrously, not to mention the effect on a stock market already tottering. So a smaller target had to be chosen, with a smaller airplane, in a smaller city. So what high value targets exist in the Buffalo area?

    An Indian(south asian) newsite had this interesting tidbit:
    -- Authorities said that the Continental Airlines Flight 3407, operated by Manassas, Virginia-based Colgan Air, was heading towards [b][u]the Niagara Falls[/u][/b]

    Did they mean Niagara Falls International Airport--another large airport near BNIA(Buffalo Niagara International Airport)? Or did they perhaps mean THE Niagara Falls?

    At this point Hollywood might offer up a clue. Two action adventure movies, "[b]The Long Kiss Goodnight[/b]" from 1996 and the more obscure "[b]Extreme Limits[/b]" from 2001, involve the destruction of the [b][u]Rainbow Bridge[/u][/b], connecting Niagara Falls, USA to Niagara Falls, Canada, as a finale. This international crossing is just downstream and within visual sight of the falls.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Long_Kiss_Goodnight 1996
    She(the protagonists played by actress Geena Davis) discovers that her former boss at the CIA has allied with a psychotic ops specialist named Timothy in a [u]false flag plot[/u] to detonate a chemical bomb in downtown Niagara Falls, NY to [u]blame muslim terrorists for the crime and thus secure more funding[/u].
    "Character development along the way consists of lots of stick figure CIA agents and bad guys working together to screw the taxpayers out of their money. Of course, the President has dirty hands too."

    --the film "Extreme Limits" (released on 8-14-01) also features a plane crash scene and the transport of a new top secrect weapon of mass destruction.

    Of course, it is unlikely the conspirators would have trusted the 'hijackers' to actually carry out the job. More likely the plane would have been taken over by some technological, remote-control means and then vectored to its intended target. It would have been enough to have a couple of people on the passenger list who 'fit the profile' perhaps aided by planted evidence to be 'discovered' after the fact in their domiciles, cars, or on the net. It is known that one passenger was an ex-member of the infamous [u]South Lebanon Army[/u], and a final passenger remains unidentified. Perhaps he had an even more interesting background.

    Or maybe the 'hijackers' were not even on the passenger manifest, ala 9/11.
    From a plot synopsis of the "Extreme Limits" movie:
    "As the group boards the plane, four suspicious looking men bribe the guards at the security gate, and are allowed on the flight."

    The Indian website had this curious note early on:
    --At least [b]three Indians[/b](muslims?) are feared to have been killed in an airline crash late on Thursday outside Buffalo, New York, early reports said. [Note: no victims with Indian-sounding names have been identified.]

    Could this have been the reason authorities were initially hesitant to keep a victim count going as the recovery proceeded:

    Authorities had recovered 15 bodies as of Saturday night, but Billittier announced Sunday that [b]numbers of recovered bodies will no longer be released[/b] "out of respect for the families."

    "Okay, 15 bodies were recovered. They won't say how many more are recovered. Anyone else suddenly wondering how many people were REALLY on that plane?"

    And the fact that the plane was already so close to the bridge(about 20 miles away) would have prevented the air defenses from being activated in time. And maybe the 'pitching and rolling' of the aircraft was also pre-engineered into the scenario, to simulate a fight over control of the cockpit. No more pesky questions about NORAD's failure to respond, no wondering how the perps were able to overwhelm the crew(the fact that the co-pilot was a youngish female probably didn't hurt).

    IF my hypothesis is true, then imagine how this would have advanced the agenda of the neo-cons:

    --Renewed justification for the AfPak 'surge' and the killing of innocents in missile strikes. The reasoning being, 'if they kill our innocents, we can kill theirs.'

    --Turning two thorns in the side of the administration--the Jersey Girl and the genocide expert--into martyrs in the fight against terrorism.

    --Bye, bye to "Buy America." The rebuilding of the bridge would have obviously required lots of steel, and just as obviously we would have to share the contract with the Canadians.
    Obama to visit Ottawa on 2-19-09
    "In Canada's capital, Ottawa, (Obama) said global challenges, including [b]security[/b], required a global response. ....
    Mr Obama also assured his country's biggest trade partner that he would not pursue protectionist policies. ...."Now is a time where we have to be very careful about any signals of protectionism," Mr Obama said...
    As America's biggest trade partner, Canada is worried about the "Buy American" measures in Mr. Obama's stimulus plan. Under the provision, public works funded by the package should use only [u]iron, steel[/u] and other goods made in the US......

    Also look at the symbolic value of the target. Niagara Falls is America's traditional honeymoon destination. A terrorist attack there would have signified that "the honeymoon is over" between the Obama administration and the American people.

  2. I posted above that an Indian newssite reported that three of the passengers may have come from India:

    --At least [b]three Indians[/b] are feared to have been killed in an airline crash late on Thursday outside Buffalo, New York, early reports said.

    Now the name of the last unidentified passenger has been released:

    ...Dipinder Sidha, 29, was on Continental Connection Flight 3407. His name previously was not released by the airline or the family. ...Dipinder Sidha was born in India, and lived with his family in Liberia before they moved to the United States.

    So is it just coincidence that this guy was Indian?
