Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Las Vegas: FBI Raid on the "Sovereign People's Court"

Excerpt: "More details revealed about those arrested in FBI raids Thursday"
March 6, 2009

The FBI raided a Las Vegas business Thursday because after hours it was the meeting place of the Sovereign People's Court, a libertarian social organization with what some might call extreme anti-government views.

Its leader is Sam Davis whose name is on one of the Grand Jury indictments. He's accused of laundering more than $500,000 that undercover agents said had been stolen from Wachovia.

Jan Lindsey is a former FBI agent himself who is featured in a documentary titled, "Freedom to Fascism". It chronicles the legal battles of people who refused to pay their taxes. Lindsey was in court Thursday, refusing to acknowledge the judge's jurisdiction.

"I want to make sure that you understand what the government says you did wrong. Whether your agree with it or not is for future litigation. You understand that sir," asked the judge.

"What the government says I did wrong," asked Lindsey.

"Yes, sir," replied the judge.

Two other men were arrested in the FBI raids. ...

Federal agents raid Las Vegas locations
March 5, 2009

Also on KTNV.com: FBI raids force Jacobson Elementary School on lockdown for a few hours

Federal agents swarmed into a local business and home early Thursday morning.

Several men are facing charges ranging from owning machine guns to evading taxes.

One of the raids forced a school into lockdown.

One of the suspects appeared in court shortly after his arrest, and that's when things got even more interesting.

Armored personnel carriers, federal agents wearing tactical gear, blanketing a Northwest Las Vegas neighborhood early Thursday morning.

It's little wonder J Suson tried rubbng the sleep from his eyes a second time.

"I thought I was dreaming," he says. But J wasn't, so he grabbed his camera, and an earful.

"Basically, [they were saying] we've got a search warrant, we need you to come out, a whole bunch of undercover FBI people everywhere," he says.

Agents arrested four people, Jan Allen Lindsey, a possible former special investigator for the same bureau, but openly outspoken against the government's collection of taxes.

"In the internal revenue code 26, there's nothing specific in there," he said in a documentary about taxes.

The IRS begs to differ.

Action news has obtained the indictment against Lindsey.

It alleges that from 1999 through 2006, he either didn't pay his income tax, or filed false forms. The indictment also alleges Lindsey essentially tried to dupe the government by placing assets in third party names.

Agents raided a business as well.

All of their weaponry and armor was because at least one of the other suspects faces a federal firearms charge. Agents also confiscated ammunition and reloading equipment from the home. The other two suspects face money laundering charges.

Lindsey was set to be arraigned Thursday, but would not allow a public defender to represent him. He also said he refused to observe the judge's authority.

The arraignment had to be continued.

According to other documents obtained by Action News, Lindsey tried to sue the government in 2002 for seizing his property because he didn't pay taxes.

A judge threw it out, and ordered him to pay more than $1200 for a quote- "frivilous complaint.

Mark Sayre and Photojournalist Mark Mutchler
New Details on FBI Raid of Anti-Government Group
March 10, 2009

Federal government documents detail why four men with anti-government beliefs were arrested in Las Vegas last week.

When federal agents pulled a machine gun out of a home near Charleston and Cimarron, it was just one part of a three-state investigation.

For three years, the Nevada Joint Terrorism Task Force had been using confidential informants to investigate allegations of money laundering, tax evasion, and the possession of unregistered machine guns.

Neighbor Jim Ashness watched the raid unfold, "They probably took about 40 machine guns out. I mean, there was an M60, which is a .308 caliber, fully automatic."

The home belonged to Harold Call, whom the federal government says is a leader in an anti-government group called the Sovereign Movement.

Another alleged member of the group is former FBI Special Investigator Jan Lindsey.

Pictures of Lindsay's FBI credentials still appear on the website of convicted tax cheat Irwin Schiff. Lindsay is charged with tax evasion.

"It seems to be a common theme among these groups to develop various schemes to avoid paying taxes," said U.S. Attorney Gregory Brower.

Two other men, Samuel Davis and Shawn Rice, are charged with laundering $1.3 million for undercover FBI Agents.

Among other things, federal documents say members of the Sovereign Movement believe U.S. currency is invalid. The group also believes the government holds a secret $1 million account for each citizen dating back to the end of the gold currency standard in 1933.

The documents say the group uses a complicated process, including letters to the U.S. Treasury, to try to use that nonexistent money to fraudulently pay off debts.

All four men entered pleas of not guilty in federal court on Friday and were released from custody. Efforts to reach the men were unsuccessful.


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