Saturday, April 25, 2009

Children Sodomized at Abu Ghraib don't Suffer Permanent Organ Failure - Must not be Torture

"The people who actually fight the wars need to be left alone to do their job and supported to do their job, and then stand by what they've done, no matter what the consequences are." - Jack Bauer, 24
" ... The Pentagon has long withheld an unknown number of secret videotapes of CIA torture, some of children being raped and sodomized by guards at Abu Ghraib prison ... "

Who's A Terrorist Now?
By Skeptic

23 April 2009 - NBC News today revealed that the Pentagon is preparing to release as many as 2,000 photos, including several dozen which show prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay and other military facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The US government has argued that releasing pictures, even in redacted form, would violate Geneva Convention rules on prisoner treatment by subjecting detainees to humiliation or embarrassment.

According to a government official, at least one photo shows a prisoner shoved up against a wall as military guards or interrogators prepare to sodomize him with a broomstick or fluorescent tube.

The photos are being released as required by a federal lawsuit filed by the ACLU in October of 2003.

The Pentagon has long withheld an unknown number of secret videotapes of CIA torture, some of children being raped and sodomized by guards at Abu Ghraib prison, according to Seymour Hersh. Hersh is the investigative reporter who first revealed the full extent of the torture at Abu Ghraib, which he traced back to the upper reaches of the Bush administration. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who watched some of the tapes, predicted: "If these are ever released to the public, it's going to make matters much worse." ...


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