Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Interview: Author Dorothy Burdick on EM Torture and Mind Control

Such things are known.

The remote torture technology described by Ms. Burdick has also been turned on me in retaliation for reporting on CIA covert ops and domestic fascism. I took electronic torture - more painful than the "special" interrogation tactics used by the CIA in Cuba - on a daily basis for eight years. I still live under constant surveillance and when writing on topics the CIA finds too sensitive (ie. criminal), I am still treated to "special" retaliation at times for speaking.

This is why I've been hesitant to address the topic for some time. I am subjected to a week of sleep deprivation, or the excruciating stimulation of nerves in the temple, or deeply-induced spinal needles, or worse, for even writing about CIA mind control. Torture. No one comprehends or gives a fuck. You go through it alone.

So do many others too scared and confused and isolated to speak about it. I know many of them.

Such things are known. It is the most horrifying experience imaginable.

The personal cost of the information I've published and post here has been extreme. Like Dorothy Burdick, I am driven by desperation. I research and write. That's all I can do to prevent this from happening to anyone else.

My life has been destroyed by the CIA and I am too traumatized deep down to live a normal life and do normal things. This work is all that remains of it. Dorothy Burdick considered research the only way out, and I've followed the same path. Aside from picking up a gun, there aren't many other options for self-defense.

The technology exists and proliferates in the classified sector. Fight the future.

- AC

From MindNet Journal

The following is a transcription of a taped telephone interview conducted on September 16, 1995, with Dorothy Burdick, the author of Such Things Are Known, which was published in 1980. Mrs. Burdick's book described her harassment by technology that seemed to be able to read her thoughts, and to place thoughts, and voices into her mind. She also described directed-energy harassment such as laser strikes, acoustic targeting, and central nervous system manipulation. Interestingly, much of the technology she described has been, in the ensuing years, confirmed by the work of authors such as Dr. Robert O. Becker, and Captain Paul E. Tyler. Both of whom have described experiments done by researchers in these specific areas.

Interview with:

DOROTHY BURDICK, author of Such Things Are Known, Sept. 1995.


What made you want to write a book about your experiences?


Well desperation mostly. I couldn't get anybody to do anything about it, or suggest how it could be done. Being a naturally curious person, I put my own thesis together; let's put it that way. This stuff is classified, or was at that time. A lot of it has, I think, been let out.


If it was classified, how did you find out about it?


I talked to people. I talked to a lot of people, and I know how to use a medical library, and a physics library. Basically, what I did was to read all the media. Things like high-tech, science news, anything that related to the subject at all, in any way.


Did you have any trouble getting the book published?


What I did was publish it myself.


Did you shop it around to publishers?


Yes, I sent it to an agent and they simply told me that it was not the kind of thing they could publish. When I tried to go the newspaper route, I had a friend that was a lawyer, so I was familiar with the Washington press, and he said there was no way that any reputable newspaper would publish any of this stuff.


Did they give you a specific reason why they wouldn't publish it?


Well, they did not give me a specific reason, but I assume it's because they are pretty well controlled by the US government, and its agencies. I sent it to every Congressman on the US Select Committee, and every Senator.


Do you think the publishers knew that they shouldn't publish it because of the nature of the information?


I don't know whether it was that, or they thought it was such a crazy story that it wouldn't catch on.


What kind of comments, criticisms, or feedback did you get about the book?


Really nothing uncomplimentary. I got a lot of "you should see a psychiatrist" kind of stuff. Many were just glad they had found the book.


If you were going to revise the book, what would you change?


I think more, and more, of the technology has been coming out, and I think we are more willing to accept the fact that we live in a satellite world. That's the first thing that is hardest to grasp. We depend on satellite communications, and they can eavesdrop almost anywhere on the face of the earth. If you bug somebody they can observe, and listen, 24 hours a day if they wish.


Are you still being harassed?


Oh definitely.


In the same way that you described in the book, or has it changed in any way?


Some, yes, it's very hard. I'm sure it's a computer voice thing because you get the same voices all the time, and it changes at random. Whether it's male, female, or what it is, OK? This has to be a very expensive operation. I can't imagine that anyone would be able to do it except as part of a psychological experiment, or that it would be government connected. I suspect they do this in an effort to find out what happens. I think we have been guinea pigs before in many other experiments, in many other ways, and unknowingly you see. They don't tell you. They just do it.


Have you ever met anyone who was being harassed in the same way
that you are, and talked to them about it?


I have never met anybody except by phone who would admit to it, or write me a letter, and admit to it I have tried to help some of these people simply by talking to them on the phone, or answering their letters.


Are you still in touch with any of these people?


No, I have quite a lot to do, and as a result I don't want to give it any more time than I have to because right now. As you know, I'm in the middle of a move. I have some real writing I want to do in a subject in which I am well qualified. I'm a dietian. I keep collecting ideas for an improvement on the last book, because perhaps the time has come for this book. I simply can't afford to publish it myself again. My thought was if you could put it a hundred years in the future. It would be like, 2084.


So you want write a fiction based on your experiences?


Yeah, just call it fiction, without being so specific about it, and I thought I'd give it a ripple you know, but I haven't done too much about it except cull my files, and collect information that I thought was interesting.


Do you have any advice for other victims of the type of harassment you have experienced?


There are two things you can do. You can find ways of tranquilizing yourself. I think meditation is a very good way. Make sure you don't get over-tired. If anybody in this more productive world can find a way not to get tired; I'd like to hear about it. You can always find somebody to talk to in psychology, or psychiatry, but I don't imagine you'll get too much support. Find someone you can trust.


Do you recommend shielding techniques to defend against this type of harassment?


I am not enough of an expert on it to be sure, but I know that they have built such things. One of the things that's been mentioned is white-noise. I got a white-noise machine through the mail. It was suppose to deal out every frequency, but they can get through. Maybe it wasn't strong enough.


Speaking of shielding, in your book you describe an experiment where you were put into a Faraday cage.


Yes, and I later found out that this was a phony thing. I feel very badly about some of the people who are involved in what I call disinformation. There was no question that that was a set-up, and they wanted to see what would happen. A particular person that I sat [in the Faraday cage] for, is into societies for parapsychologies of various kinds. They encourage you to believe in parapsychology. I find that they have infiltrated junior colleges; especially with what is really adult entertainment. They put it on to add to their income. They rent out the room and the professor gets a certain amount, and the college gets a certain amount. They will get somebody who may be qualified, or may not be qualified, in psychology, and they will
give a course in reading auras. The mix it up with eastern religions, and what comes through is a bunch of b.s. You know what happened to Kubler-Ross, she moved to the east coast, I can't remember where, and is involved in working with people, but she has harassment. She went south of the Mason-Dixon line. I don't know whether that is because she is the south, which is one possibility, or because she was being harassed in California,
and they tried to embarrass her a great deal there. I first got on to her in _California Magazine_, and everybody knows who she is, because she came up with the four stages of dying. I think this whole thing has hurt a lot of good people.


So you think that the results that you got from the experiment with the Faraday cage were not what actually happened?


No, and I don't think there was any purpose except to take up my time and find out what I thought about it.


Do you think that trying to stay physically, and emotionally, healthy is beneficial to defend against mind control?


That's hard to do and I think some of this jogging is so that people can get away from it. They hope to block what they're hearing with their radios. But that's just an observation. I don't know if it's true, or not, and naturally they're not going to say.


Are you implying that a lot of people know that something strange is going on, but they don't want to admit it, or talk about it, either to themselves, or to others?


I'm sure it's from coast to coast. They don't want to talk about it, because they think it will just lead to more trouble. The other thing you will find is that you can be mis-heard on the phone very easily once they get on it. They can distort numbers. Some words don't come across quite the way you would like. There is no question. You must have known that we have had
eavesdropping on telephone lines in this country since very long ago, in the sixties at least. I don't worry about it too much anymore. In the beginning it bothered me. It really doesn't now.


Have you ever used some type of device to try to detect what is being done to you?


No, because I always figured that the government had much better, more expensive stuff, than I did. And that they could probably overcome anything I might try, or use.

Such Things are Known
Dorothy Burdick
New York: Vantage Press Inc., 1982


Reading minds at a distance by deciphering the brain’s magnetic waves has been a project of the Advanced Research Projects Agency [DARPA] of the Defense Department for some time. Many educational and research institutions have contributed to its success with government funding.

Published information indicates that DARPA scientists have learned to identify specific thought patterns through the interpretation of brain waves. These patterns reveal with up to ninety percent accuracy whether a person is: (1) puzzled or uncertain, (2) has made a decision, (3) is paying attention, (4) is observing colors or patterns, or (5) has lost concentration due to fatigue or boredom.

Thought processes have been linked to the computer through Artificial Intelligence [AI]. The autocorrelated Cray, which does one hundred million calculations a second, is specifically designed for problem solving and can carry out biomedical experiments with the computer simulating the human effects. It takes only fifty billionths of a second for an element of data to enter and leave its memory.

Using psychological interviewing techniques. AI has come up with programs which lead the intelligent human to believe that he is talking to another person, when he is actually carrying on a dialogue with a computer. Properly programmed, computers have the capacity to make judgments based on previous performance or experience, predict observed behavior, speech patterns and idiosyncrasies of thought. Computers also convert many types of signals to signs, codes, sound, music and video. Twenty years were spent by Russell Kirsch at the National Bureau of Standards’ Artificial Intelligence Laboratory teaching machines to make judgments called “image pattern recognition.” A well-instructed machine can look at variegated images like brain waves and make decisions concerning them. The marriage of computer programming and brain mapping has been published. To accomplish the wiring and plotting of the functions of the human brain was an incredibly complex task that could only have been accomplished by the invention of the computer itself.

It is known that enough work has been done with large computers and wave averaging on the transmission of neural messages in the brain so that neural activity associated with the word “no” and the word “yes” can be identified whether it is said aloud or not. Near the speech center in the brain is an area that prepares neural messages that drive the muscles associated with speech. Actions of the tongue and mouth and other muscles involved in speech are quite different for these two words. The patterns of nerve signals that go out to make these two words are also unalike. The patterns are formed long before words reach the vocalizing level, and can be read and interpreted in advance of speech by a computer. Pattern recognition computers will read an answer even in a completely uncooperative subject, or specifically read his mind if the thought is mentally put into unspoken words.

Speech is a motor activity which creates electrical signals traveling along neurons. With a computer, these weak signals can be read at a distance by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), which almost completely eliminates environmental noise while magnifying the signal one thousand times over that read by previous technology.

To read the mind, wave analyzers must deal with the complex oscillations of the brain in somewhat the same way that a prism separates the colors of a beam of light. The components of this complex wave are isolated by electronic circuits tuned to several frequencies. Statistical averages can be determined from many readings of the mind under investigation. From this information its versatility and repertoire of adaptive stratagems can be assessed and plotted. This frequency analysis of tactics can now be instantly known and evaluated by computer faster than men can think.

Optical and electronic subsystems for spacecraft and artificial intelligence have been under development since 1955. Sophisticated biomedical sensors have been developed to use on animals at a distance without physical contact. The same equipment has been used to test environmental factors on human sensory organs. Laser is used in biomedical displays to pick up brain signals and convert them to sound and color or even music. With current laser techniques verbal and aural communication is possible between any two points on earth with video and via satellite.

The human head is a target which gives off a magnetic field. Suppose that it is capable of being picked up and locked onto at a distance by a supersensitive sensor many times amplified by optics. Depending upon the kind of ray directed at the head the symptoms and sensations of the subject will vary.

The carotid artery and the hypothalamus are easily reached through the thin wall of the ear drum by sonic and ultrasonic radio waves. Stimuli to this area can raise and lower blood pressure and body temperature. Sensations in other parts of the anatomy are similar to those caused by diathermy depending upon which brain signals are played upon. The subject is literally an instrument who may experience numbness, pain, pleasure, muscle jerks, spasm and stimulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

It is known that thoughts can be pulsed into the mind through the nervous system by microwaves. This has nothing to do with the auditory nerves. Scientists who have submitted themselves to this process report temporary loss of memory and disorganization of thinking processes.

A subtle method of communication, laser, is used to deliver messages unheard by those close to the receiver. Depending upon the verbal messages received concurrently with physical stimulation, these technological developments become powerful tools combined with psychological techniques to shape, modify, direct, prevent and control human thought and behavior through interference with all known diurnal physiological patterns. Additionally, verbal messages may be delivered at the subliminal level during consciousness and during sleep, so that the subject is unaware that he is receiving them or that his dream sleep is being influenced. Words are emotional triggers. When the subject’s emotional triggers are analyzed he is put in the position of having his thoughts and actions controlled by other individuals. This is mind control.

For at least the last four years every minute of my conscious and unconscious life had been invaded by investigators using state of the art technology. Recently on the “Today Show,” William Colby said that the CIA investigated a device which could read Brezhnev’s mind on his way to work. It is my contention that they not only investigated it but that they made it work.
People have asked me, “What do these voices say?” They say, “We want to be your friends.” As in brainwashing they confuse the issue, and truth becomes obscure. Falsehoods seem reasonable. Indoctrination techniques resemble some techniques used in hypnosis. Like hypnosis they have a soporific effect, reiterating and repeating the same monotonous phrases.

“What you do is up to you. You’ve got to believe in yourself.” This remark is made until you are not really certain whether you know what you want or can rely upon your own opinion.
Pavlov said that a conditioned reflex can be worked out for every stimulus. In brainwashing, brain-changing results. Damage is done to the mind through drugs, hypnotism and other means, so that a memory of what actually happened can be wiped out and a new memory of what never happened inserted. The Voices, by interfering with sleep in a subliminal mode are able to stir up old memories and influence REM Sleep by vocal suggestion. They interfere with normal sleep patterns by inducing physical symptoms which result in jerks, cramps, irritation of the intestinal tract and skin, and in sexual arousal or sudden and unwanted awakening when rest is needed. All the subject is aware of is pain, discomfort, nightmares, unaccountable physical symptoms, fatigue and depression. At other times, he is euphoric with relief.

As in brainwashing, the Voices try to install a feeling of personal satisfaction by making the individual feel that he is needed in some way. The message is combined with physical reinforcement.

“We want you to feel good about yourself.” They specialize in uncertainty. You are always on an up staircase that is going down.

“Dorothy, we don’t know what we are going to do with you.” This comes after occasions of rebuttal, rebellion and general recalcitrance. It may be accompanied by good humor or very unpleasant remarks and physical symptoms.

In the beginning, although one is not incarcerated except mentally and environmentally, the subject feels dreadfully tired and worn out. Returning POWs describe it as being like an automaton or going about in a daze.

The Voices use suggestive interrogation with desired answers implied in the wording. They alternate this with a barrage of denunciation and accusation to make you cringe. The more tired you are, the more it upsets you. They excavate the psyche for areas of sensitivity involving social attitudes, sex, marital and family relationships and feelings about self. Any vulnerability will do, and all the time, fatigue both physical and mental, is working for them. The more sensitive and reasonable the individual, the more vulnerable they are. Pushovers for indoctrinators are very intelligent but uneducated, especially the indecisive minds that always see some valid point in the other side's argument.

The victim’s feeling is that his thinking is being directed. The brainwasher has been called a corticovisceral psychiatrist, able to interfere with the normal path that every human follows in life. Such a Voice directs or suggests to the subject a new route leading off in an entirely new direction. Conflicts arise in anyone between known emotional responses and those of which he is unaware and which are suppressed. No one actually knows or realizes what is going on in his own subconscious mind. The Brainwasher Voice is trained to increase such conflict and to manipulate these responses.

A great effort is made to arouse guilt feelings. Failures to meet a standard of achievement or conduct are used frequently as guilt stimuli. A decided effort is made to uncover normal failings and to take advantage of them in order to hammer them into a guilt complex. No matter how guilt arises, it is necessary to the Voice Indoctrinator for projection purposes.

The Brainwasher Voice continually attempts to sow doubt in the mind of the subject. Regardless of the strength of conviction of the individual so attacked, the moment doubt clouds the mind, it leads to tension. Tension is related to fear, and guilt also produces fear.

They asked me, "What do you want lo do?" My answer was that I wanted to survive. Fear itself is an expression of unsatisfied need for survival and security. First reactions are nervousness, tension, apprehension and depression. They make the need for security and self-protection even more acutely felt.

Fortunately for me none of this was done in a really controlled environment, yet my privacy in all things was gone and I was isolated from human intercourse because nobody could believe that the Voices I heard were anything but inventions of my subconscious.

As a result of these artificially induced pressures including chronic fatigue, I was deprived of strength to combat repetitious suggestions and started to doubt my own thoughts and convictions.

Suppose in this condition that ideas are suggested at a subconscious level, not positive suggestions used in department store tapes to prevent stealing, but destructive behavioral ideas that will result in a poorer self-image, lowered confidence, both physical and mental, and atypical behavior. The suggestions assume a symbolic significance to the individual. Suppose the assault on the mind, body and nervous system is continual over a twenty-four hour period seven days a week. In this state one begins to live in a realm of fantasies and false beliefs. In the hands of Brainwasher Voices and technologists with Space Age Tools, anyone is malleable. An illusory, surreal, invisible environment is created, real only to the victim.

In a prison camp one can make up one’s mind not to listen. There are other prisoners. As a laser receiving station in your own home and environment one has to listen involuntarily and still try to act normally, perform tasks, drive a car and do routine things as much as possible. The incarceration is real, but unseen.

The tools of mind attack include suggestion, mockery, fear, fatigue, deception and manipulation. As in brainwashing, the Voice sometimes begins with ideas and ideals with which the recipient can agree. The only relief from tension in this insidious process is laughter or drugs like sleeping pills and alcohol. The receiver forgets that he is the one who is suffering from fear, uncertainty, browbeating and the invasion of privacy in sex, toilet and social relationships. When he most fears for public performance and they let up, he feels grateful for no reason at all.

All these things are known to government psychiatrists and psychologists. The government in question is the government of the United States of America. The events I recount began on a May weekend in 1978. ...

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