Sunday, May 3, 2009

Karl Rove case witness killed in plane crash, sisters want answers

Web guru was potential witness in Ohio voting fraud case

Bill Lueders

" ... At first, it was really hard for me to believe Mike was dead because somebody wanted him dead," says Shannon, a buyer for a local children's resale shop. "But as time goes on, it's hard for me not to believe there was something deliberate about it. ...

"Mike Connell had been deposed and was seen as a key witness in a lawsuit alleging voter fraud.

"Shannon Connell of Madison says her brother Michael rarely talked about work. She knew he ran an Ohio company called New Media Communications that set up websites for Republicans including former President George H.W. Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. But it wasn't until after he died last December, when the small plane he was piloting crashed, that she learned via the Internet of his tie to a voter fraud case and to allegations that presidential adviser Karl Rove had made threats against him. ... "

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