Saturday, May 23, 2009

Texas Board of Education Chairman is a Creationist

" ... McLeroy, who says he is a creationist, has come under fire for trying to write into new science standards for schools language that would raise questions about the theory of evolution. ... "

Democrats holding firm against SBOE chairman - for now
Dallas News
May 21, 2009

Democratic senators so far are not budging on their opposition to the confirmation of State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy, a Republican from College Station. In an unexpected move Wednesday, Republicans on the Senate Nominations Committee outvoted Democrats to send Gov. Rick Perry's nominee to the full Senate. That came after the committee had shelved the nomination for a month because of Democratic resistance to McLeroy.

But Republican leaders said McLeroy may now stand a chance even though that would mean at least two of the Senate's 12 Democrats would have to drop their opposition and vote for the board chairman. The Senate has 19 Republicans, two short of the two-thirds majority necessary to confirm gubernatorail appointments. Informal polls of the Democrats indicate that all are still against confirmation, but a vote of the Senate is not expected until next week.

McLeroy, who says he is a creationist, has come under fire for trying to write into new science standards for schools language that would raise questions about the theory of evolution. McLeroy has vigorously denied tying to inject his religious views into the science curriculum.


Posted by Sarah Bellem @ 3:20 PM Fri, May 22, 2009

Get religious politics out of the schools!

Don McLeroy has led a very right-wing religious group on the Texas School Board. No offense to anyones religious beliefs but he is an avowed creationist. His statemnents in regards to the teaching of evolution in school show a profound lack of scientific knowledge and insight. He is now famous for the inane comment "I don't trust these experts. Someone has to stand up to the experts". Statements like this make Texas academics the laughingstock of the USA (and the world)

He retained as experts members of a creationist group from Seattle called the Discovery Institute. They advocate the teaching of Intelligent Design Creationism although they try to do it through the back door (with the help of school board members like McLeroy) by making cryptic changes in science standards. Those changes were opposed by an overwhelming majority of reputable scientists (those are the "experts" McLeroy is so fearful of).

My understanding is he is responsible for similar negligence regarding the social studies curriculum as well.

Sadly even if he is not confirmed as charman he will still remain on the board but at least that lack of confirmation will send a message that his behavior will no longer be tolerated.

Sarah Bellem
Concerned parent, physician
Posted by Robert Baumgardner @ 12:13 PM Fri, May 22, 2009

McLeroy has been divisive, manipulative, and dishonest in his leadership.

He claims that none of his actions have anything to do with his religious faith. If so, then objection to those actions has nothing to do with his religious faith. His supporters cannot have it both ways. I urge every rational Texan to call his/her Senator to oppose McLeroy.

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