Monday, August 17, 2009

Sarah Palin Kicks Off Her Political Career

Palin’s Campaign Contributions From Convicted Criminal Bill Allen
[Thanks to VictorSRMoore for the lead]

It seems that the more mud you sling, eventually you’ll get hit. Sarah Palin, who tries to present herself as a reformer, an agent of change, a political corruption buster, seems to have a very serious skeleton in her political closet, Bill Allen. That’s right, the man who Ted Stevens took gifts from, and the reason Stevens is on trial.

Palin responded to her recent statements about Bill Ayres and Obama:

“The Associated Press is wrong,” Palin said. “The comments are about an association that has been known but hasn’t been talked about, and I think it’s fair to talk about where Barack Obama kicked off his political career, in the guy’s living room.”

With that said, I think it’s only fair that we look at who’s living room or den Sarah Palin kicked off her political career.

Bill Allen and the VECO employees contributed heavily to politicians and in return expected support for the oil industry. In 2000, Allen co-chaired the Alaska finance committee during the Bush-Cheney campaign.

When Palin decided to run for lieutenant governor in 2001, she paid Bill Allen a visit at his home. According to a VECO emplyee the two drank wine and spoke about her future. After Palin’s visit with Allen, VECO contributed $5,000 to Palin’s campaign for lieutenant governor. The contributions came at $500 a pop over a two-day period in late December from Allen, his executives and a couple of their spouses, representing 10 percent of all money Palin raised in her 2002 campaign.

Palin and Ted Stevens excellent adventure …

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state’s political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

Palin’s name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the “Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.,” a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state. She served as one of three directors until June 2005, when her name was replaced on state filings.

People in igloos shouldn’t throw fireballs.

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