Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hitler and the Nazis OUTLAWED ABORTION, Contrary to "Conservative" Christian Disinformation

Alex Constantine (Revised)

American "conservatives" frequently argue that abortion is tantamount to Nazi mass murder. Ironically enough, nearly one in five abortions are performed on evangelical Christian women (see stats posted below) - even THEY reject the anti-abortion message of their own leadership. "Pro-life" is a misnomer - fascists want power over women - if it comes to imprisoning them, strapping them down and forcing them to conceive, so be it.

The "Pro-Life" position is in keeping with the Nazi program, not the other way around, as right-wing evangelicals maintain in their drive to impose a fascist "Christian" theocracy in the multicultural US.

As it actually was under the Nazi Party:

" ... The district court of Lueneburg, in the province of Hanover, has made a ruling in a case in which a Jewish woman was concerned, which will doubtless provide a precedent for similar cases. The woman was accused of procuring an abortion on herself, thus infringing Paragraph 218 of the German penal code. ... " The right has agitated for decades to revive the Nazi policy of criminalization - but abortion is a matter of personal choice, not a fascist atrocity. Mandatory childbirth law, complete with sentencing guidelines - even the death sentence during the most stringent period of Nazi rule - was the atrocity.
The campaign to convince the citizens of the Reich that world Jewry is combining with the democracies in a vast anti-German conspiracy continued unabated during the weekend.

Nazis allege Germany victim of world plot
Nov 21, 1938

New measures against the German Jews have been taken. Comparatively unimportant in themselves, they are intended to show that the Jew is no longer considered capable of possessing honourable feelings.

The troubles in Palestine are still furnishing copious material for anti-British tirades throughout the Press.

A new order, issued by Herr Hitler personally, forbids those Jews who retired as officers from the Austrian Imperial or Republican armies to wear the uniforms fo their units. The right to wear these uniforms on ceremonial occasions was conferred on officers who retired after loyal and honourable service with the Austrian colours. The order is countersigned by Gen Keitel, chief of the German High Command.


The district court of Lueneburg, in the province of Hanover, has made a ruling in a case in which a Jewish woman was concerned, which will doubtless provide a precedent for similar cases. The woman was accused of procuring an abortion on herself, thus infringing Paragraph 218 of the German penal code.

The court ruled that the woman must be discharged since the father of the child was also a Jew and the paragraph in question was intended for the protection of the German Aryan race. Since the paragraph was not intended for the protection of the Jews, who were in opposition to the Aryan race, abortion could not be punished where a Jewish mother was concerned.

It is understood that the chief producer responsible for the production of plays under the auspices of the Jewish cultural organisation has been released from the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen and instructed to produce a play for Tuesday evening. This is intended to prove to the world that Jewish cultural activities can now proceed unhampered in the Reich.

The Juedische Rundschau, the leading Jewish newspaper, which in common with all Jewish publications has been completely banned, is to be permitted to appear again for the purpose of announcing such occasions at this stage production. It will, however, not be permitted to carry any news or advertisements.
Who's having Abortions (Religion)?

Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".

Observation: If abortion does amount to a "holocaust," as the right argues, evangelical "Christians" are morally bound to accept their share of culpability and stop pointing fingers at liberals, who understand that there is no painless solution to this issue and resist authoritarian measures for dealing with it.

Liberty Reborn author JJ. Jackson:

"Nothing irks the 'free thinking' liberals of the abortion movement more than to call them murders (sic) and comparing their act to Hitler and the NAZIs against the Jews. It makes them wince at the mere insinuation. But the truth is the truth."

Abortion is not "their act." The numbers insist that abortion is an everyday
"Christian" act.

1 comment:

  1. By your own account, the Nazis
    DID outlaw abotion - for Aryan
    women, not abortion per se for

    As for the numbers suggesting
    that it is a "Christian" practice,
    you forget that nominal Christians
    will do anything. The reality of
    their faith, insofar as they don't
    live it, is questionable. The
    early church canons and several
    comments by early church fathers
    were dead against abortion,
    usually done by potion back then.
