Monday, August 27, 2007

Another CIA Mockingbird ID'd: LA Times Columnist Meghan Daum

By Alex Constantine

As I write this, a ranking employee of the LA Times, asked about literatum and Op-Ed columnist Meghan Daum, just explained to me across my desk: "I have no idea why she was hired. She came out of nowhere, and then all of the sudden she's a columnist at the Op-Ed page. I never understood why she was hired. She had no qualifications. And her writing is boring."

An explanation: The Times' Op-Ed page is run by Jim Newton - who I have (unfortunately) met and identified as a remnant of COINTELPRO a few weeks ago in relation to the suppression of FBI malfeasance in Los Angeles. There are people sitting in prison due to the illicit legal maneuvers of the FBI, and Newton knows it, suppressed the evidence, and is now editor of the Op-Ed page at the LA Times. (How to get ahead in the press: lie flagrantly for the intelligence community.)

Like her boss, Daum covers for CIA crimes. She's a media mole. I've examined her canon.

This swipe at "conspiracy theorists" - one of many in the media lately that were likely based on a CIA talking points memo - was propaganda formula for donut heads: "Why conspiracy theories won't die - The belief in dark forces can exert a mesmeric hold," by Meghan Daum, Christian Science Monitor, August 15, 2007.

She writes in the LA Times: "Who killed Antioch? Womyn - The college went from liberal bastion to PC laughingstock with its sex and dating policy":

"ON JUNE 12, the board of trustees of Antioch College, the famously countercultural institution in Yellow Springs, Ohio, announced that the campus would shut down next year. The decision is a result of declining enrollment, insufficient alumni support and facilities so neglected that, according to several reports, some buildings don't have hot water. Earlier this year, a number of faculty members were laid off. Meanwhile, student enrollment, which had been about 2,000 in the college's 1960s heyday, has dwindled to about 400. ... "

Letter sent to Meghan Daum this evening:

Ms. Daum: I'm going to write about your published disinformation, and would like to quote your explanation for filtering information about the CIA and fall of Antioch College. The truth you are concealing is here, and you had to go around the block to avoid writing about it:

See: "Did U.S. intelligence assets kill Antioch College?"

Please respond with some kind of intelligent explanation, if you can dream one up, as you try to do with the "reporting."

- AC

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