Thursday, March 6, 2008


How to suppress exposure of two CIA scandals - political assassination and mind control - with one stroke of the pen: " ... But his book, 'The Truth at Last,' might offer more for die-hard conspiracy theorists than historical scholars. ... It draws a confusing map of alleged mind-control experiments perpetrated on him by the C.I.A. ... "

James Earl Ray's gun didn't kill Martin Luther King, says brother
March 3rd 2008

A disturbing new book is set to reopen old wounds before next month's 40th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

James Earl Ray, who died in 1998 at age 70, had recanted after just three days the confession that saved him from the death penalty. Now his brother, John Larry Ray, 75, claims that new documents offer forensic proof James was not the murderer.

"Martin Luther King Jr. was a man admired by millions, but my brother didn't kill him," John told us in an exclusive statement.

"I believe my brother was not only misused by conspirators within our government but also greatly misconstrued as a 'racist' and a 'murderer' by the media."

But his book, "The Truth at Last," might offer more for die-hard conspiracy theorists than historical scholars.

Co-written by Lyndon Barsten, it recounts conversations between the brothers — before the shooting — in which James feels he is being set up in a plot. It also draws a confusing map of alleged mind-control experiments perpetrated on him by the C.I.A.

Larry tells us: "James may be gone, but I have to continue his fight for justice and dignity before the ink dries on history."

A King family spokesperson was unavailable to comment.

By Felicia Pride
Mar 5th 2008

According to, a new book by the brother of James Earl Ray, who was convicted of killing Dr. Martin Luther King, sets out to prove that Ray was not Dr. King's murderer.

TRUTH AT LAST: The Untold Story Behind James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. by John Larry Ray (and coauthor Lyndon Barsten), the 75-year-old brother of James Earl Ray, claims that there's forensic evidence that proves his brother did not assassinate Dr. King. The book also includes conversations between the brothers where James thinks he was being set up.

"Martin Luther King Jr. was a man admired by millions, but my brother didn't kill him," John told the New York Daily News. "I believe my brother was not only misused by conspirators within our government but also greatly misconstrued as a 'racist' and a 'murderer' by the media."

James Early Ray confessed to shooting Dr. King, but then took back his confession three days later. He died in 1998.
(Of course, all of this was reported at my blog first - see: The Brother of James Earl Ray Links the CIA to the Murder of Martin L. King and Details His Abuse at the Hands of the FBI - AC)

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