Friday, August 22, 2008

Putin’s Father Fought for Nazis AND KGB

Putin’s father fought for Nazis: Suvorov

"In 2003, Polish media reported that KGB defector Victor Suvorov (Vladimir Rizun) found documents and pictures in London which show that the Russian president’s father served in the Nazi-collaborating army led by Russian general Vlasov. Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin was apparently captured by British forces, but not before he helped crush the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943." blog section

Another source: Did Vladimir Putin's Father Fight for Adolf Hitler? (Photo's)

Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, like his son, worked for the NKVD, predecessor of the KGB and was sent to the front during WW2. The common use of the NKVD in battle was to man machine gun squads that would execute Red Army soldiers attempting to retreat. According to Suvorov, the documents located in the archives indicate that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was captured by the Germans and joined General Vlasov's army of Nazi collaborators which fought for the German side.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was then captured by the British, who eventually released the captured Vlasovite soldiers into Soviet custody. While soldiers who had served in the Vlasov army were generally imprisoned or executed, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was not an ordinary soldier but an NKVD officer and his grandfather worked as Stalin's cook (a highly trusted position considering how paranoid Stalin was about being assassinated.) Instead Putin Senior continued working in the KGB, which had succeeded the NKVD.

While Putin's biographies generally describe him as the son of a foreman from a working class family, in fact his father was NKVD\KGB and his grandfather held a post reserved for politically trusted people. Growing up Putin benefited from the "silver spoon" of the KGB. As a student he obtained his own car in a rigged lottery (owning a car in Russia at that age was virtually unheard of except for the sons of very influential Communist party man) and was accepted into the prestigious law school at Leningrad University. He followed his father into the KGB and then followed him into service in Germany, rising through the ranks to the head of the KGB, held a variety of political posts and rose to rule over Russia.

It isn't too surprising that the head of the KGB wound up ruling Russia with a return of the iron fist. Nor that it would be the son of a KGB officer who would achieve this. But that it was the son of a Nazi collaborator is quite bitterly ironic.


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