Sunday, September 28, 2008

Harvard Psychiatric Researcher Dr. Biederman Performed Medical Experiments on Children - Violations of Federal Law


Dr. Joseph Biederman: Caught red-handed lying about $1.6 million in drug money and performing illicit medical experiments on children.

by Mike Adams
NaturalNews | June 10, 2008

Harvard University's Dr. Joseph Biederman has been a loyal soldier in the battleground for chemical control over children's minds. A highly-influential researcher at Harvard University, Dr. Biederman spearheaded a 4000% increase in the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder from 1994 to 2003, resulting in billions of dollars in revenues for drug companies and millions of children being put on mind-altering medications. Now, thanks to an investigation by the office of Sen. Charles Grassley and a damning report published in the New York Times, it has been revealed that Dr. Biederman lied about the amount of money he received from drug companies -- a figure that may exceed $1.6 million.

In the conflict-of-interest documents submitted to Harvard Medical School, Dr. Biederman vastly underreported funds received from multiple drug companies. In one instance, he reported a payment from Johnson & Johnson of just $3,500 when, in reality, company records show J&J paid him $58,169 in one year alone (2001). Before this story went public, Dr. Biederman sought to modify his conflict-of-interest records, and when pressed by Sen. Grassley's investigators, he made retroactive changes showing an additional $1.6 he had previously failed to disclose. These disclosure might never have happened if Sen. Grassley's investigators had not started asking questions about the financial links between drug companies and Dr. Biederman.

Psychiatric doctor violates federal law

Failing to disclose such large sums of money in conflict-of-interest forms is a violation of federal law, and if the National Institutes of Health (NIH) applies existing rules and regulations in responding to these charges, it could deny all future grants to the organization that provided additional funding to Dr. Biederman: Massachusetts General Hospital, which administered $287 million in grants in 2005. The NIH requires researchers to report earnings over $10,000 per year on conflict-of-interest forms.

But rather than being arrested for criminal behavior, Dr. Biederman and another colleague caught in the same financial scandal have been "referred to a university conflict committee for review," reports the New York Times. ...

What this latest scandal reveals is just how corrupt and dishonest today's psychiatric industry has become. When top researchers are largely funded by drug companies -- and they consistently lie about their financial ties to those companies -- it is clear that integrity and honesty have been abandoned in favor of disease mongering, drug pushing and corporate profits.

The psychiatric industry, in particular, has repeatedly relied on scientific fraud, financial corruption and grave intellectual dishonesty to ensnare a nation of children with dangerous prescription medications that have turned out to cause diabetes, weight gain, suicides and violent behavior. Even though these drugs are harming children, psychiatric researchers like Dr. Biederman continue pushing fictitious diseases like "bipolar disorder" and "ADHD" in an effort to engineer demand for Big Pharma's high-profit pills. In return, Big Pharma pays money to Dr. Biederman and other corrupt, intellectually dishonest researchers who keep beating the drum for more pills, increasingly labeling every living human being as suffering from mental health disorders that demand chemical "treatment."

As part of his drug-pushing efforts, Dr. Biederman has openly advocated non-approved uses of mind-altering drugs on children, encouraging doctors to prescribe pills for various so-called "disorders" even though no FDA approval has ever been granted for using those mind-altering medicines on children. This didn't stop Dr. Biederman, though, from openly pushing for the widespread prescribing of drugs for such "off-label" conditions, including their use on infants and very young children. Thanks in large part to Dr. Biederman's apparently financially-motivated efforts, sales of drugs used to treat "bipolar disorder" doubled from 2003 to 2006.

Recruiting Four-Year Olds for Medical Experiments

Dr. Biederman isn't merely on the take from drug companies, he's also actively engaged in using children as young as four years old for medical experiments. His current recruitment efforts attempt to round up four- to six-year olds and dose them with Astrazeneca's Seroquel drug to see what might happen to their brains.

This kind of testing of powerful psychotropic drugs on four-year olds is being pursued, of course, to try to convince doctors that young children need mind-altering drugs just like adults, thereby creating new, lucrative markets for the drug companies that sell such drugs. But rather than proving that four-year olds suffer from "brain chemistry disorders" that need chemical treatment, what Dr. Biederman has really demonstrated is that psychiatric researchers suffer from their own form of madness -- a kind of mental disorder that allows them to perform chemical experiments on very young children, all while accepting millions of dollars from drug companies as payment for their disease mongering efforts.

This was, perhaps, the same kind of madness that allowed Bayer's researchers to perform medical experiments on captured Jews in Nazi German's concentration camps. It is a historical fact that drug companies have routinely used children, blacks, minorities and women for their medical experiments, usually in an effort to create "new marketing opportunities" so they could sell more dangerous prescription medications. See the NaturalNews historical timeline of medical experiments on humans here:

... I'm willing to wager large sums of money that none of the organizations involved in this scandal will take any real, decisive action to have Dr. Biederman fired or blacklisted from the industry. His "work" (if you can call it that) is too important to the profits of the drug companies that wield powerful influence over the key players in this industry. Most likely, Dr. Biederman will simply be told, "Don't get caught again" and allowed to continue running medical experiments on children, exploiting the bodies of young children for Big Pharma's gain.

... There are three key organizations that you can contact to write a letter of outrage about Dr. Biederman's deceptive behavior and criminal actions against children. They are:

Harvard Medical School

Direct your e-mails or letters to the Standing Committee on Conflicts of Interest and Commitments

Mass. General Hospital

This is the hospital that has awarded Dr. Biederman with grant money.

National Institutes of Health

This is the huge government-run grant-giving organization that uses taxpayer dollars to fund such medical experiments on children. When you write the NIH, demand that they stop providing funding to psychiatric researchers who conduct medical experiments on children.
PS: An article published by Star News Online cites Dr. Biederman as a reputable expert on childrens' bipolar disorder. See:

PSS: In June, Sen. Charles Grassley accused three Harvard Medical School psychiatrists, including Joseph Biederman, "of vastly underreporting their outside income from pharmaceutical companies."

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