Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Robert Wadman's Perjury Party

By Alex Constantine

This is a partial report on Robert Wadman's lawsuit against my publisher, Feral House. Although the case was heard yesterday in an Ogden, Utah small claims court, no ruling was issued by Pro Tem Judge Brad C. Smith. He will send a verdict by mail in a week or so, and it will be announced here as soon as I have it.


Mr. Wadman claims that he lost employment at the Bush Justice Department due to allegations of pedophilia made in my book, Psychic Dictatorship in the USA (Feral House, 1995). The statute of limitations, three years for libel generally, has long since expired - but Wadman argued under oath - falsely - that the chapter is posted at my web site (it isn't), but that was par: nearly every sentence Wadman uttered under oath was a misstatement.

First, Wadman's part-time employment by the Bush Justice Department, training police overseas, hasn't exactly been terminated, according to Gregory Ducot, deputy assistant of international police training at the Justice Department. Ducot offered that the disgraced former police chief of Omaha has not been contractually rehired due to new employment guidelines instituted since Abu Ghraib - primarily one requiring a Google search prior to hiring (see page two).

I have a notarized affidavit from the Justice Department on this - my book is not mentioned at all:

(Click to enlarge)

Wadman - with the RNC and Bush regime watching with some interest - is attempting to silence me. Beyond frivolous small claim court filings, he has taken the desperate step of writing to the distributor of my books, claiming that since Psychic Dictatorship in the USA is in "litigation," it should be dropped from the distribution order list.

This is an insidious form of censorship.

Robert Wadman: "Using only provocative and suggestive statements extracted from the grand jury and committee hearings ... "

There is no support for this statement provided by Mr. Wadman. I did not draw exclusively from the sources mentioned by him - in fact, I barely referred to them at all, as the attached documentation confirms. "Suggestive" statements in my book are not cited by Mr. Wadman, and I know of no suggestive statements I've made in reference to him.

"Alex Constantine has created the impression that Robert C. Wadman was involved in sexual misconduct with children."

Sexual and professional misconduct on the part of Robert Wadman were the substance of a lawsuit won by Paul Bonacci vs. The Catholic Archbishop of Omaha, etal - including Mr. Wadman. Sexual and professional misconduct on the part of Robert Charles Wadman were also, in part, the substance of John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Cover-Up. Mr. Wadman sued DeCamp and lost the case seven weeks ago. Many other reports on the public record concerning Mr. Wadman's alleged criminal activities could be cited.

"Innuendo." I rely on documentation and try to be as thorough and credible as possible.

1.) "Top of page 151" - I reported that Mr. Wadman "cleared out of town." He argues that he "resigned" from the Omaha PD and was not fired, as I have reported. He was, at the time, police chief of Omaha, Nebraska and a focal figure in a child molestation scandal. It is immaterial whether he received "keys to the city" or a "grandfather clock," as he states. The facts that I reported are not changed by gifts that he may have received from political figures (with whom he is alleged by others to have been in collusion).

Wadman did indeed leave town in the wake of a child molestation scandal. I know of no "keys to the city" given to Robert Wadman. This is a highly dubious claim.

Mr. Wadman grossly misrepresents the circumstances of his departure from the Omaha police department - IN FACT, ROBERT WADMAN WAS FIRED - TWICE from the position of police chief: From the Wilmington Morning Star, 7-21-93:

Wadman "was Omaha's police chief from 1982 until Mike Boyle, then the mayor, FIRED him in 1986. Wadman was reinstated after appealing his DISMISSAL ... and remained chief until 1989, when the Nebraska Supreme Court reversed that decision and upheld the FIRING."

Under these circumstances, would Wadman be given the Keys to the City? (Doubtful, and I request documentation before believing it.)

2.) Mr. Wadman claims that he only met convicted felon Lawrence King on just one occasion, and had "no political connection" to him.

Lawrence King, in a 1989 interview with Frank Brown of TV-7, Omaha, refers to Robert Wadman as a "friend." King also states that Wadman would do "favors" for then-Chief Wadman. During the interview, Wadman himself discusses talking to Lawrence King by telephone (see below) - so the one meeting "at a social event" with King acknowledged by Robert Wadman was NOT the only contact. Another false statement.

King was questioned about an incident in which Wadman intervened at King's request to order the release of a suitcase seized in a drug raid:

BROWN: King acknowledges he is a friend of Chief Wadman's. We asked King did he call the chief to get a suitcase released that had been seized in a drug investigation?

BROWN: You had that friendship where, you could....

KING: Yes.

BROWN: You could call the Chief of Police and get a piece of evidence released?

KING: I felt that I could call anyone in this city.

BROWN: We asked Chief Robert Wadman if Larry King had ever telephoned him to get a suitcase released from police custody.

WADMAN: Yes ...

From late Franklin investigator Gary Caradori's notes: "[Troy Boner, a child abuse victim-witness] stated that LARRY KING and ROBERT WADMAN took a trip somewhere and with them were two young boys ... " Source: First edition of The Franklin Cover-Up, by John DeCamp, p. 81.

In addition, Paul Bonacci, in his successful lawsuit against Wadman, King and others, has detailed sex parties attended by minors at which King and Wadman were both present.

3) Wadman: "I never spoke to the press about DNA tests." My chapter on Wadman was written 14 years ago. It has been reported that Mr. Wadman passed a "genetics" test (eg., Feb 11, 1991 issue of the Omaha World-Herald, pg. 5), but this is a false report, to my knowledge. Wadman took a standard blood test - not a DNA test. One Nebraska Leadership Conference (NLC) newsletter states that there is a high probability that the test was "tampered" with. (See supporting documents for response #4.) Ultimately, Wadman must be the source of ALL newspaper reports that a DNA test (or tests) proved "negative," for reasons explained in the next paragraph ...

4) " ... Three individual DNA tests confirmed that I was not the father of Alisha Owen's child." Refutation from a newsletter published by the NLC, undated copy: "A blood test WAS eventually done in connection with a paternity suit filed on Alisha's behalf by her mother, but it was NOT A DNA BLOOD TEST AS THE MEDIA HAS CONSISTENTLY TRUMPETED." The author of this article believes the test was "tampered with." But "in any case, FORGET the DNA BLOOD TESTS, BECAUSE, FRIENDS, THEY NEVER HAPPENED."

5) Robert Wadman: "I was never a defendant in any case or court proceeding." Wadman has been a defendant in a several court cases, to my knowledge. But I believe that he refers here to the period when he was in Omaha, Nebraska, and he WAS, at the time, a defendant in a paternity suit concerning the child of Alisha Owen. By "co-defendents," I was referring to other prominent citizens of Omaha under investigation, with prosecution pending or underway, for involvement in child pornography, molestation and prostitution. They were co-defendents, not in one case but in a number of related investigations and prosecutions. These led to the conviction of Wadman associate Lawrence King for the looting of the Franklin Credit Union, among others. Another key "co-defendant" in the investigation - known by the general description of "The Franklin Case" - was Peter Citron, who pleaded "no contest" to charges of sexual assault on a minor. A quantity of child pornography was confiscated from Citron's house.

In The Franklin Cover-Up (which the plaintiff attempted to suppress with a failed, small claims "libel" suit), Wadman is found to be in league with a number of corrupt Omaha citizens, including King.

6) Wadman claims: "I have never met" Alisha Owen and Paul Bonacci.

I can produce numerous independent investigative records and pieces of courtroom testimony that refute this statement. The general view of it was described by DeCamp. In Nebraska, a number of victim-witnesses identified Omaha Police Chief Robert Wadman, FBI agents Mickey Mott, Gerry Wahl and Alan Baer, Harold Andersen, publisher of the Omaha World-Herald.

King and Wadman, along with FBI agents Mott and Baer, were accused of pedophilia and drug dealing with boys as young as 12. The charges were made by numerous children interviewed by private investigator Gary Caradori. See: John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up: Chile Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska [Lincoln, NE: AWT, 1996], pp. 198-199.

7) Wadman: "I have never met any of King's associates." This is a misstatement, according to Paul A. Bomacci v. The Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha, Robert Wadman, etal. - a lawsuit that ended with a ruling in favor of Wadman's accuser. In the suit, Wadman is seen cavorting with King, and associates Citron, Baer, etc.

A complaint against Wadman and others was filed by Bonacci to demand the jury trial that subsequently ruled for the plaintiff. Bonacci compained, in part in reference to Wadman, of "slander, malicious prosecution, negligence, child abuse, battery, emotional distress and violations of his civil rights."

Nevertheless, Wadman now claims that he has "never met" Bonacci. The latter's court victory - and one million dollar award from the court - say otherwise. So do other victim-witnesses in Omaha.

First paragraph: Mr. Wadman was, prior to his work for the Justice Department, forced to resign as chief of police in three cities - Omaha, Aurora and Wilmington, N.C. - due to the public knowledge of sexual misconduct on his part. NONE of the allegations that led to his resignation in these cities originated with me or my book. I reported on the controversies surrounding him, and wrote of allegations made by others. My book was only published AFTER Wadman's alleged misconduct occurred, and the media reports he mentions were a matter of public record.

Page two: "as a consultant ... " - Mr. Wadman has produced no evidence to support his claim that my book, Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, had any connection whatsoever to his "loss of employment" at the Justice Department.

Second paragraph: "The book ... makes false statements ... " The information is not false, nor do I believe it to be false, as Wadman contends.

Under "supportive documents," Tirana, Albania is misspelled.

Re Supportive Document three, "Douglas County records"concern a gross misscarriage of justice in the conviction of Alisha Owen - thus the title of John DeCamp's book, "The Franklin Cover-Up," which addresses the issue of Ms. Owen's false conviction and imprisonment at length. Wadman has attempted to sue Mr. DeCamp (who is himself an attorney) for libel, and LOST that case in an Ogden, Utah small claims court on July 30, 2008.

8) "I don't know the name Jerry Springer. was a supervisor in the John Singer case, but was in Salt Lake City when he was shot in Kamas, Utah. He was in fact armed and pointed a loaded gun at a police officer."

The name John Singer WAS misspelled in my text - all first editions have some typographical errors. (In this case, I spoke to my publisher and asked to edit the text before a second edition was issued, but my publisher considered it too costly to revise the book, so I left it alone.)

The shooting took place in Marion, Utah, not the town identified by Mr. Wadman.

I do not recall the source of my allegation fourteen years after the fact, but he was held strictly responsible for the shooting in in Vickie SINGER, et al, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. Robert WADMAN, et al, Defendants-Appellees, 745 F.2d 606

In fact, Mr. Wadman and police involved in the case have a long history of making misstatements in reference to the case. Police claimed that Singer was shot and killed by officers attempting to serve a warrant. But his family notes that Singer was "shot in the BACK." This negates the police version of events, which maintain that Singer pointed a gun at them. Source: "Prison term ends today for Singer; he's Utah-bound," by Pat Reavy, Deseret News (Salt Lake City), Oct 10, 2006. The article is posted on the Internet here:

The family argues that Singer was murdered by police without provocation, but his widow was unable to initiate a jury trial against Wadman, etal.: "In October 1982, Mrs. Singer appealed this case to the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. Two years later, in September 1984, the 10th Circuit Court turned down the Singer suit. The following month Vickie appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. During March 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal, permanently ending the legal battle over John Singer’s death."

So there has been no resolution of the dispute, and Mr. Wadman's version of the shooting is contradicted by material evidence, eg. the fatal shot in the back.

9) My book states that the police union in Omaha fought Wadman's appointment to police chief of Omaha due to the Singer shooting. This is how I recall it. Wadman contradicts me, pointing out that the union "dropped its concern about my appointment as chief within a few weeks of my appointment." Whatever the time period, the police union fought his appointment - as he acknowledges and as I stated - and I see no error in my statement.

10) Wadman: "I have never met Alisha Owen."

King case victim-witness Paul Bonacci was first interviewed by late investigator Gary Caradori in May 1990. From Caradori's notes:

"... Subject stated that he first met Wadman sometime in late 1985 or early 1986. He stated that he had seen Bob Wadman at [at] least two parties. ... Subject stated that Alisha Owen was present at [at] least one of these parties. ... " Source: John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, p. 101.

" ... Troy Boner [another victim-witness] tells of being in the Starlight Motel while Wadman and Owen [were] having sex in an adjoining room. ... Boner said that he was with Owen after she had been given an injection by Wadman that made her very laid-back." Source: "Evidence the Owen Jury Didn't Get to See," by Rita Hamilton, The Nebraska Observer, July 12, 1991.

"One of the counts on which Owen was indicted for perjury concerned Wadman showing her a gun. Wadman testified that he had not carried a gun since '73. Attorney Jerry Spence was taking a deposition from Wadman in 1980 in connection with a Utah lawsuit. He asked Wadman if he were carrying a gun to which Wadman replied 'yes.' Wadman lied to the Grand Jury." (Source: The Nebraska Leadership Conference newsletter, undated.)

11) See my response to #10.

12) Mr. Wadman claims, "I didn't file a lawsuit" against the daughter of Alisha Owen."

This is a complete misstatement of fact.

According to the Nebraska Leadership Conference newsletter, Wadman "filed a $4,000 suit against Owen's 5 year old daughter Amanda, to recover his expenses for taking the blood test in connection with the paternity suit  (see complaint #3 of my response to Wadman's affidavit).

"In itemizing his expenses, he listed first-class airfare from Chicago, four days of missed work and $800 for the blood test." Unfortunately for Wadman, "Owen's attorney countersued with a charge of filing false paper work. Wadman was on vacation at the time and had driven from his son's place in Arizona (not flown from Illinois). The suit was dropped and Wadman paid the $25 court fee. Records of the case can be purchased from $3.00 from the clerk of the Douglas County Court." (Source: Undated copy of the NLC newsletter)

13) Mr. Wadman claims that "three individual genetics tests confirmed that I was not the father."

Any testing done was NOT DNA, or "genetic." Wadman, as explained in my response to complaint #12 above, filed "false paper work," claiming that he took a blood test, when in fact he was "on vacation."

If three genetics tests exist, as Wadman alleges, then I am unaware of them. (No tests were produced in the Feral House suit, and I do not know that they even exist.)

14) I mention photos of King, Wadman and others in the Franklin case "involved in criminal acts" published in a newsletter. King and others WERE convicted for their own criminal acts. Wadman still stands accused of participation and cover-up of heinous crimes, and thus the title of DeCamp's book.

There are no "damaging lies" in my book - and Wadman has repeatedly, as evident in my responses so far, lied about basic facts on the public record.

15) My source on allegations re Wadman in Wilmington was Ron Silver, a local actor and resident who gave testimony to city council that led, a year later, in 1994, to Wadman's resignation as police chief. Silver told me of the SCLC connection by telephone at about the time Wadman resigned, and I taped that conversation.

16) Mr. Wadman resigned after a year of adverse publicity in city council hearings, local headlines, talk radio and op-ed pieces. A faction within his own police department agitated for his termination. Mr. Wadman DID resign of his "own free will," but only after a year of intense debate in the community over whether he should continue as police chief. My statement is true enough - he resigned after continuous pressure from within the Wilmington community to resign.

The Wilmington Morning Star, on July 21, 1993 reported that the City Council was exploring the possibility of contacting with the sheriff's dept. to run the police department, because sheriff Joe McQueen "could do a better job than Wadman." The article states that, under Wadman, there was a "culture of mistrust" in the department, so he should be replaced. This constitutes pressure to resign, and Wadman did. (Also see police department internal newsletter about Wadman).-

LETTER FROM WALTER CONRAD (Page six of Robert Wadman Affidavit) RE ALBANIAN NEWSPAPER ATICLE ON ROBERT WADMAN (re the pedophile allegations)

Robert Wadman submitted this article from an Albanian newspaper to the court, "evidence" of my "guilt." I am not cited in the article. In the upper right-hand corner lurks the masthead of the Washington Times, which does appear to be a source - but Wadman hasn't sued the Times. The article discusses allegations of pedophilia at Boys' Town. But I didn't write about Boys' Town. ... In fact, I have no connection whatsoever to this story, yet Wadman considers it suitable evidence of my "guilt" - in an obvious attempt to censor a critical reporter.

I am not mentioned in the letter, can find no evidence that the letter or article relates to me at all, and the reference to Boys' Town suggests that Mr. Conrad alludes to another book or article entirely - I do not recall having written at any length about Boys' Town, if at all.

Allegations related to Boys' Town DO appear in John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Cover-Up. It has an entire chapter on the Catholic-run charity. I see no specific reference to anything I've written in Conrad's letter, and if it cited my book, I assume that Mr. Conrad would have stated that this was the case. Conrad's letter relates equally to hundreds of postings on the Internet.
ALSO SEE: AND: Duncan & Blake "Suicides" Solved: The Omaha/Des Moines Allegations, MediaBistro.Com Data Mining & the CIA

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