Saturday, February 14, 2009

Secret Book Raffle: WIN, WIN, WIN!

By special arrangement with Dutton books, I am secretly raffling off a FREE, AUTOGRAPHED copy of Trevor Paglen's newly released BLANK SPOTS ON THE MAP: THE DARK GEOGRAPHY OF THE PENTAGON'S SECRET WORLD.

And there's more. The winner will also receive a patch featured in Paglen's last book (I COULD TELL YOU BUT THEN YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE DESTROYED BY ME).

Odds of winning are exceptional (because I expect about 10-20 entries - I'm not exactly NPR). To enter, send me an e-mail with "Secret Book Offer" in the subject head to:

The secret deadline for entries is February 21, at which time I will draw a name randomly from the lot and announce the lucky secret winner.

- Alex Constantine

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