Friday, July 10, 2009

S.C. Sen. DeMint says Nazi Germany was a "Social Democracy"

Senator DeMint draws on the Bircher strategy for making fascism palatable to the masses - scare the herd into believing that far-right is really far-left, and the dumb animals will trot voluntarily into "conservative" fleecing pens. Comparisons with Nazi Germany are perfectly appropriate, but anyone who claims that Hitler's regime was "socialist" lives light-years away in deep GOP space, and is in desperate need of a dictionary. - AC

DeMint: America is ‘Where Germany Was Before World War II’

By David Weigel

Last night, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) gave a short talk and Q&A at at the National Press Club about his book Saving Freedom. DeMint told a room of around 100 people about a conversation he’d had with an Iranian immigrant who was panicking about the surge of government spending and control under President Obama and the Democrats. Americans should listen to immigrants like her, said DeMint.

They understand socialism. They understand tyrants. But none of us have ever had it here. We don’t even know what it looks like. Part of what we’re trying to do in Saving Freedom is just show that where we are, we’re about where Germany was before World War II where they became a social democracy. You still had votes but the votes were just power grabs like you see in Iran, and other places in South America, like Chavez is running down in Venezuela. People become more dependent on the government so that they’re easy to manipulate. And they keep voting for more government because that’s where their security is. When our immigrants get here, they’re worried, because they see it happening here.

DeMint worried that it was the “eleventh hour” for freedom, but he disputed a question from a man who wondered if America was ripe for another revolution. “The reason I’m convinced we can do this in a civilized way is that I’ve seen, on a number of issues, that when people get informed and want to change their government, the government will change.”

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