Friday, July 24, 2009

MTV: Conrad Murray is/isn't a Suspect in Homicide Investigation

The MTV update opens with a pellucid statement from the suspect/non-suspect, unconfirmed by the tight-lipped LAPD:

"A spokeswoman for Edward Chernoff, the lawyer representing Michael Jackson's personal doctor, Dr. Conrad Murray, said Friday (July 24) that media reports claiming the doctor is the subject of a manslaughter probe are not accurate. ... In the meantime, spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik added: 'As far as we know, Dr. Murray is still a witness in this case, not a suspect.' ... "

But court records reveal that the attorney's office is misrepresenting the investigation:

"Her comments came after the Los Angles Times reported that court records filed Thursday in Houston name Murray as a suspect in the criminal investigation that resulted in two different search warrants served on Wednesday at the doctor's Houston clinic and a storage unit in the area. ... "

So Dr. Murray is a suspect, after all, in a manslaughter probe:

"The search warrants said that investigators were looking for 'items constituting evidence of the offense of manslaughter that tend to show that Dr. Conrad Murray committed the said criminal offense.' ... Murray is the focus of their investigation. ... "

A statement of denial - Conrad's attorney says, "his client did not give Jackson any narcotics or other medication that 'should have' caused his death."

Vanishing medical records?: "On Friday, TMZ reported that two unnamed women who worked for Murray went to the doctor's storage locker on the day Jackson died and took three to five boxes of materials and put them in a car. It is not known what, if any, connection those files might have had to the Jackson case."

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