Thursday, July 23, 2009

Michael Jackson and the Fellowship Foundation Cult (CIA/Fascist Front ... Sorry, but Celebrity Worship is Blind and I'm Not) - Mafia, too

Power (Ah, Power) Is The Force, The Vow
That Makes It Happen -
It Asks No Questions Why

- Michael Jackson

This is mostly an old post of mine. I'd forgotten about it, but went looking into Jackson's relationship to Uri Geller, and Google coughed up one of my own postings. CIA Mind Control tech Andrija Puharich promoted Geller and his "psychic" abilities in a laudatory biography: "Puharich, in his book Uri, claims that Geller received his power from an alien force called the Hoovians." ( And some readers of the book actually believed it ... - AC
Jackson 5.0

"The pop star, who is said to be $240 million in debt, had paid six figures for a ritual cleansing using sheep blood to another voodoo doctor and a mysterious Egyptian woman named Samia, who came to him with a letter of greeting from a high-ranking Saudi prince, purportedly Nawaf Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, now the chief of intelligence of Saudi Arabia... "
6:58 PM

[Another quasi-religious tie back home - we hear so much about Jacko's charitable contributions ... "Jacko Single Raising Funds for Scientology" Then there is this, reeking of mind control: " ... There are some connections between The Church of Scientology and Michael Jackson. Mike Luckman, director of the New York Center for Extraterrestrial Research and author of Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection, recently told Daily News' Lloyd Grove about an interesting conversation with Jackson that took place during a visit to the famed magic store Abracadabra. "Michael indicated to me that he is open to making contact with otherworldly beings," Luckman said.]


"At the heart of the Fellowship’s life and work is a mansion in Arlington, VA called the Cedars, where people of power, consequence, and connection are invited to pray, retreat, and find quiet solitude. Researching this article I learned of guests as diverse as Lee Atwater, Laura Bush, and Michael Jackson ... "
Anonymous said ... hmm.

According to that Vanity Fair article, Jacko and Uri Geller met through "that other fellow devotee of children's charities Mohamed Fayed, the chairman of Harrods in London ... "

7:37 PM

starroute said...

Anonymous quoted, "Jackson's stay at the Cedars was arranged through David Kuo . . ."

Hold on -- the Cedars is the headquarters of the Fellowship Foundation, the creepy Christianoid cult with deep political connections. Here's a bit of the original Madsen article:

In 1976, the Fellowship began looking for a permanent headquarters in Arlington. It set its sights on the estate of George Mason IV, The Cedars, located at 2301 North Uhle Street. Mason was one of the drafters of the Bill of Rights. The Fellowship, also known as the International Foundation, bought the property from Charles Piluso. Although not much is known about Piluso, the Los Angeles Times reported that Howard Hughes, the man with whom Fellowship Senator Ralph Owen Brewster once sparred, also lived there.

According to a senior Pentagon official, the Cedars had been used as a CIA safe house prior to the Fellowship's purchase of the estate. The Fellowship paid $1.5 million for the Cedars, the money coming from Tom Phillips, the CEO of Raytheon, and Ken Olsen, the CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation. Sanford McDonnell of McDonnell Douglas Corporation was another deep-pocketed supporter of the Fellowship through Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, an activity linked to Fellowship core member Pat Robertson.

9:15 PM
Richard said...

Suffer the little children, eh?

If this is what power & wealth does to you, I'm damn glad I have neither.
You said, "Perhaps rather the point is that the program exploits pre-existing conditions for abuse which are more common than most suspect."

Couldn't agree more. I think that pedophilia's relative commonality is what really makes it frightening. My experience happened when I was 15. A friend of mine met this guy who was twice our age & who was more than willing to buy us all the whiskey we could drink. We were both enamored with Kerouac & Jim Morrison & meeting strange characters & this guy definitely fit the bill.

He was muscle for a Pittsburgh madam named Tex Gill.

She dressed like a man & ran most of the massage parlors in Pgh. He was into black magick & Crowley & booze & drugs & on & on.

"Regular prayer groups have met in the Pentagon and at the Department of Defense, and the Family has traditionally fostered strong ties with businessmen in the oil and aerospace industries. The Family maintains a closely guarded database of its associates, but it issues no cards and collects no official dues. Members are asked not to speak about the group or its activities. The organization has operated under many guises, some active, some defunct: National Committee for Christian Leadership, International Christian Leadership, the National Leadership Council, Fellowship House, the Fellowship Foundation, the National Fellowship Council, the International Foundation. These groups are intended to draw attention away from the Family, and to prevent it from becoming, in the words of one of the Family's leaders, "a target for misunderstanding."

Jackson did keep odd company, eg. the Mafia ...

Jacko’s Bail Thanks to Reputed Mobster?
By Roger Friedman

Michael Jackson’s finances are a little better than we thought. That may be because Miami loan king Al Malnik is on his side and in his corner.

I am told that Malnik was instrumental in a recent restructuring of Jackson’s finances — no mean feat considering his tumultuous history. I am also told that Jackson’s ability to pay his $3 million bail and legal bills in the multi millions may come from Malnik’s largesse and interest in his career.

On the new "Greatest Hits" album, Malnik’s name is one of the few who are mentioned under "Special thanks" from the singer.

Malnik was the lawyer for late mobster Meyer Lansky and when Lansky died in 1983, Reader’s Digest called Malnik the mobster’s "heir apparent," a moniker that has been repeated frequently.

Malnik has become very close to Jackson in recent years. And according to my sources, he’s loaned Jackson money — lots of it.

The 69-year-old lawyer is the owner of a famous restaurant called the Forge in Miami. But his real business is loaning money, just what Jackson needs right now. His firm, Title Loans of America, according to the Palm Beach Post, is a national chain of loan stores that makes money from the interest charged on quick cash offered to people who need cash, and fast.

The New York Times reported in 2000 that Malnik was cited by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission in 1980 and 1992 as "a person of unsuitable character."

Malnik is popular on the Miami social scene with his new wife Nancy, and he has always denied mob ties. He was arrested and tried in April 1969 for income tax evasion but was subsequently acquitted, according to the Miami Herald.

Calls to Malnik at The Forge went unreturned.


  1. Alex,

    I am interested in finding out more about part of your post:

    9:15 PM
    Richard said...

    Suffer the little children, eh?

    If this is what power & wealth does to you, I'm damn glad I have neither.
    You said, "Perhaps rather the point is that the program exploits pre-existing conditions for abuse which are more common than most suspect."

    Couldn't agree more. I think that pedophilia's relative commonality is what really makes it frightening. My experience happened when I was 15. A friend of mine met this guy who was twice our age & who was more than willing to buy us all the whiskey we could drink. We were both enamored with Kerouac & Jim Morrison & meeting strange characters & this guy definitely fit the bill.

    He was muscle for a Pittsburgh madam named Tex Gill.

    She dressed like a man & ran most of the massage parlors in Pgh. He was into black magick & Crowley & booze & drugs & on & on.

    I have been researching this story in Pittsburgh and was wondering where this came from and if you have more info on the mysterious man?


  2. More information on Tex Gill:

    OBITUARY: Dante 'Tex' Gill / Sexually ambivalent massage parlor owner
    January 09, 2003
    By Torsten Ove, Post-Gazette Staff Writer

    In all the old newspaper stories about Dante "Tex" Gill, she was always "the woman who prefers to be known as a man," or some variation of that description, and she sure looked and acted the part.

    Short and dumpy, she wore men's suits and short hair, she talked tough and
    she may even have undergone the initial stages of a sex change that made her appear masculine.

    During the 1970s and '80s, she was a bizarre fixture in the red-light world
    of Pittsburgh's massage parlor district along Liberty Avenue.

    For years, according to police, Ms. Gill ran a string of parlors as fronts
    for prostitution, all the while insisting that she was a man and telling everyone she wanted to be known as "Mr. Gill."

    In 1984, she went on trial in U.S. District Court for tax evasion and ended up in federal prison for seven years.

    Ms. Gill of Brentwood died yesterday in UPMC McKeesport. She was 72 and had
    been undergoing dialysis for some time.

    Born Lois Jean Gill in the city, Ms. Gill was a savvy businesswoman who
    became one of the most notorious of the city's massage parlor operators.
    State and local authorities had long believed her parlors, including the
    Japanese Meditation Temple, were little more than brothels, but she seemed beyond the reach of the law for years until the Internal Revenue Service stepped in.

    IRS agents caught her for tax evasion, not prostitution, by comparing the money she spent with the income she reported. In 1984, she was convicted of conspiracy and evading income taxes from 1975 to 1983.
    Those who knew Ms. Gill said she was every bit as colorful as the news
    stories about her suggest. An unabashed lesbian in a less sexually liberated age, she married a woman in Hawaii and lived with her in Pittsburgh for a time before they eventually split.

    "She was just a hell of a lot of fun," said lawyer Carl Max Janavitz, who met her in the 1970s and sometimes represented her. "She was just laughing at the world. And naturally, the authorities don't like that. She was a very good businesswoman, but she just had a different lifestyle."

    Before her entry into the massage parlor industry, Ms. Gill was involved in several other ventures. In the late 1950s, she worked as a blacksmith at the old horse stables in Schenley Park, where children and adults would come to learn to ride.

    She went by the name Lois back then, but she wore her hair short and covered with a cowboy hat, and she was known as gruff and no-nonsense. If a horse acted up while she was shoeing it or cleaning its hooves, she smacked it on the rump.

    She was apparently an accomplished horsewoman in her youth.

    Barry Paris, a Post-Gazette film critic and Ms. Gill's cousin, said she was an anomaly for her day, someone who had to hide her sexuality as a single woman in the transgender community, which at the time was so underground it had yet to acquire that label.

    "She scared the hell out of us when my cousins and I took riding lessons
    from her as kids at Schenley stables, and she got involved early on with the
    proverbial 'wrong crowd,' " he said. "But she was personally gentle and nonviolent, and she made a nice corrupt life for herself in a nice corrupt American society."

    In her later years before she went to prison, Janavitz said, she ran various
    businesses in town, including a baby furniture store and a frozen foods

    She got involved in the massage parlors through business contacts, Janavitz said, and did it because she needed money to care for her ailing mother, Agnes, who eventually died of cancer in 1973.

    Janavitz, who had a falling-out with Ms. Gill and hadn't talked with her for the last 10 years, characterized her as a true free spirit who did things her own way.

    Ms. Gill is survived by two brothers, Donald M. Gill and Merritt Gill.
