Tuesday, May 6, 2008

TruthMove.org's Connection to the WQ2RX MEDIA CENSORSHIP GROUP

In the introduction (posted below), we met John Albanese, a close associate of TruthMove.org's founders, Julian and Max.

Albanese is an interesting study - no wonder TruthMove is harassing Nico Haupt, because HE'S BLOWING THE WHISTLE ON TRUTHMOVE.ORG'S INTELLIGENCE CONNECTIONS:



THIS VIDEO OFFERS POLITICAL CRITICISM OF PUBLIC FIGURES ONLY. THERE IS NO PRIVATE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS VIDEO. THIS VIDEO OFFERS OPINION BASED ON RESEARCH INTO THE WQ2RX TERRORIST CELL OPERATING IN THE USA. WQ2RX IS THE AL QAIDA MEDIA CELL WHICH INCLUDES JOHN ALBANESE, RITA KATZ, D ALEXANDER FLOUM, KYLE HENCE, AND GARY WELZ. THE CELL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMUNICATION WITH OSAMA BIN LADEN AND ATTEMPTING TO CENSOR THE TRUTH ABOUT SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. Recently Rita Katz of SITE, the daughter of an Israeli spy, criticized the White House for leaking a fake tape of Osama Bin Laden produced by her company for the anniversary of 9/11. The 911 Commission had recently announced that Rita Katz was a member of WQ2RX and the White House took immediate action to establish distance between SITE and the Bush Administration. The Story was originally broken by DOG4TREE COUNTERINTELLIGENCE and was subsequently published on http://kv3ri.blogspot.com and mirrored on intelligence sites around the world. 1. Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda's Secrets - washingtonpost.com "Katz said she decided to offer an advance copy of the bin Laden video to the White House without charge so officials there could prepare for its eventual ..." www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/08/AR2007100801817.html 2. U.S. Intelligence Officials Will Probe Leak of Bin Laden Video "SITE founder Rita Katz told The Post that her company covertly obtained an early copy of a bin Laden video message in early September, then shared the video ..." www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/09/AR2007100902055_pf.html 3. VOA News - White House Concerned About Leaked bin Laden Tape "The private firm SITE Intelligence Group notified the White House last month that it had obtained a new video from terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. ..." www.voanews.com/english/2007-10-09-voa73.cfm 4. VOA News - White House Concerned by Leaked bin Laden Tape "... the tape was broadcast worldwide, destroying what SITE founder Rita Katz says ... White House Concerned by Leaked bin Laden Tape Audio Clip Available ..." www.voanews.com/english/2007-10-09-voa73.cfm?rss=topstories According to intelligence officials and clandestine sources, John Albanese and Kyle Hence have been attacking and censoring the truth about the WQ2RX cell, including lying to YouTube and Google in order to protect their terrorist activities. wq2rx rita katz SITE john albanese gary welz kyle hence

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