1. Timothy Geithner - BB, CFR, TC, Head of Private Federal Reserve Bank, NY
2. Paul Volker - BB, CFR, North American Chairman of TC, Associate of Rockefeller’s
3. Rahm Emanuel - Member of Israel: army, investment banker, a director of Freddia Mac
4. Lawrence Summers - BB, CFR, TC, Chief Economist- World Bank, Rockefeller Man.
5. David Axelrod - political fixer
6, Hillary Clinton - BB, TC, CFR, CIA Asset, key figure in MENA ARK Drug Affair.
7. Joseph Biden - BB, CFR. Senator, Zionist. gun grabber
8. Robert Gates - BB, CFR, CIA director, player in Iran-Contra Scandal, named in 1999 lawsuit on Mena Ark. Drug Trafficking Affair
9. Tom Daschle - BB, CFR, CiTi Bank lackey mentored by Robert Rubin
10. Eric Holder - Key person in pardon of racketeer Marc Rich, Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno and facilitated pardons by Clinton of 12 FALN, Peurto Rican Terrorists
11. Janet Napolitano - CFR, Pro Amnesty and driver’s licenses for illegals, Anita Hill’s attorney against Clarence Thomas, key in the OKC cover-up
12. Gen. James L. Jones - BB, TC, associate of Kissinger, Brzezinski, Bobby Ray Inman, and CIA director John Deutch, member of Institute for International Affairs
13. Susan Rice - CFR, member of Aspen Strategy Group (with Richard Armitags, Brent Scowcroft, and Madeleine Albright- all BB, TC, CFR folks), advisorto John Kerry and Michael Dukakis, member of Clinton’s N.S.C.
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