Commentary: Hasan's Conspiracy Mentors
Nov. 9, 2009
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 (UPI) -- ... There are tens of thousands of Hasans all over the Western world -- from Brussels to Berlin and from Burgos, Spain, to Birmingham, U.K. For them, Sept. 11, 2001, was a conspiracy cooked up by the CIA and Mossad, Israel's external intelligence service. Even though al-Qaida's Osama bin Laden and his No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri have both taken credit for Sept. 11, countless millions are convinced they had nothing to do with the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
Watch those Truthers - they're PTSD'd, paranoid and will go postal at any moment!
"Tens of thousands of Hasans." I'm not aware of any corollary linking mass murder to the belief that a missile struck the Pentagon, but de Borchgrave seems convinced that one exists. It comes about this way, and de Borchgrave discovered it by reading Hasan's mind - a man who stares at goats?:
"[Hasan] had counseled scores of battle-shocked, wounded veterans -- in his mind casualties of the Mossad-CIA conspiracy, now an article of faith among most Muslims."
That one completely evades me. Who has reported that Hasan even believed in 9/11 "conspiracy theories?" Not even the lunatics at the Washington Times. It's an immense assumption, but de Borchgrave runs with it. He makes a token effort to explain it, but inside his head, I think his aim is to program conservatives, and discredit anyone who questions the Bush regime's explanation for 9/11. There is this manipulative comparison:
"The Sept. 11 conspiracy theory now rivals Holocaust deniers. Forty percent of Israel's Arab population say the Holocaust never happened. The phenomenon is, understandably, more prevalent among those born since World War II. ... "
There are other comparisons, of course. The number of Arabs who believe that Bush was the worst president in American history, for instance, also rivals Holocaust deniers, but for some reason wizened de Borchgrave doesn't make that statistical comparison. Offhand, I'd say there are many more Arabs who believe that Black Tuesday was a domestic fascist covert operation, but de Borchgrave's isn't a rational argument - it's mass libel - so if you can work in Holocaust denial somehow, pretend there's some equivalence, you score propaganda points.
"Hasan is one of millions today who believe America and its Israeli ally are working in tandem to suppress Islam. ... "
We are at war within several Islamic countries, and we're bombing, killing. The business philosophy and lethal antics of Blackwater are suppressive. "Winning hearts and minds" is a euphemism for behavior modification. You might call all of this "suppressing" Islam, but that's putting it mildly and it's the wrong word.
Jacob Hornberger, president of the Future of Freedom foundation, cites American foreign policy - somehow 9/11 conspiracy theories receive no mention:
Foreign-Policy Blowback at Ft. Hood
by Jacob G. Hornberger
Amidst all the debate over whether the Ft. Hood killer is a terrorist, murderer, enemy combatant, traitor, sleeper agent, or insane person, there is one glaring fact staring America in the face: what happened at Ft. Hood is more blowback from U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, specifically the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Even at this early stage of the investigation, the evidence is virtually conclusive that the accused killer, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was motivated to kill U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by deep anger and rage arising from the things that the U.S. government has been doing to people in the Middle East for many years.
De Borchgrave never gets around to explaining what 9/11 Truth has to do with the slaughter at Ft. Hood - possible because Hasan was actually opposed to illicit wars, wayward drones; there hasn't been a hint that 9/11 was a factor at all, let alone Israel - changes the subject to make his Holocaust denial point and then drifts off to make other important-sounding but entirely irrelevant excuses.
His rebuttal to the theories goes like this:
"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. A conspiracy on the scale of Sept. 11 would have required a lot more than three. ... "
Never mind that de Borchgrave and his fellow Moonies manage to keep all sorts of secrets. The members of the cult, thousands of them, keep it to themselves that they are a branch of South Korean intelligence, that they are joined at the hip and temple with the CIA. Do they discuss this relationship openly? Naw. Neither does the press that shelters them from exposure as a fascist mind control cult. So that tin argument coming from de Borchgrave and a horde of other establishment pundits right and left (hear me, David Corn?), deserves to die, at long last. I roll my eyes every time I hear it.
Anyone making that argument is not worth a second thought - and this sums up my feelings about Arnaud de Moonie.
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