Back then, I used to say that America is so addled and corrupt, it's a wonder the lights stay on.
A few years later, the proles desire "change" desperately, pine for "hope" as the wars rage on, the economy self-destructs and the culture is overrun by jingoistic, ferret-like, flag-waving, pathologically dishonest, anti-intellectual little hitlers who believe they have a Sprint line to "God."
BTW, where are apologies from the Bush voters? They carried on as though promoting Bush, lying for Bush, torturing for Bush, killing for Bush was a moral imperative. Now that these self-defined "patriots," ah, ignorant asswipes, know what they are, no apologies. They headed straight for McCain, condescended to the rest of us - as if their judgments were not impaired or their opinions asinine ("McCain has more experience," "Obama scares me"). Insult our intelligence, please.
The well-off Republicans have no trouble destroying their own country inch by inch to turn a fast profit - yet advertise themselves as "patriots." This is the way of the fascist crustacean. Time passes, the Dixies are vindicated, teachers go back to work, anti-Bush sentiments are everywhere, even in the Republican Party - I'm proven not to be a "theorist," after all. Anyone who assumes otherwise hasn't a clue, is a fascist collaboratorl, a Good German (just returning the imprecations directed at me a few years ago), and I'd laugh all the way to the graveyard if the consequences of mass ignorance and suicide weren't so grim. But go ahead, "conservatives," dress in the flag and drool all the way to the unemployment office, you "sensible," "sober" establishment fantasy dwellers programmed by the CIA/corporate media.
A few years from now, I'll he right here giving you my middle finger as the lights go out.
- AC

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