Gerald "Pardon Me" Ford was a good soldier to the end. He was a credit to the Murder Cabal ...
Our Ford in Context:
Mae Brussell on the Warren Commission: http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Nazi%20Connection%20to%20JFK%20Assass.html
Gerald Ford was the only member of the group to write a book on the assassination. His book opened with the hushed and secret meeting where allegations had been received that Oswald worked for the FBI.
What Ford left out of his book, and the commissioners ignored in their Report, was that Oswald was also identified as working for the CIA.
Commission Chairman Earl Warren and Commission Attorney Leon Jaworski knew about this. They stated that "Mr. Belli, attorney for Jack L. Ruby, was familiar with these allegations."
Oswald's informant number was Number 110669.
How was that for a starter?
The next move was to start building the myth about the deceased and ignore fact one, stated above. This grand commission would call in a doctor who never met Lee Oswald or Jack Ruby to assist them with their project, covering up.
Justice Warren suggested bringing in Dr. Overholser, who "of course is not a lawyer. He is a doctor from St. Elizabeth's Hospital." As the Chairman went on to explain, "we felt we ought to have someone who, in that field, could advise us on matters concerning the life of Oswald and possibly the life of Ruby also."
The next order of business was who should write the Report for them? By January 21, 1964, that had to be decided.
Chairman Earl Warren said, "we consulted with the Defense Department, and they have offered to lend us one of their historians to do this job, and we think that it is quite essential to the work of the Commission." Mr. Goldberg would assist from the Air Force. Mr. Cokery was from the Army.
"Mr. Winnaker recommended them," Chief Counsel J. Lee Rankin offered. "We would work with them to try to anticipate all of the various historical aspects."
"Who's Who in the CIA" described "Mr. Winnaker" as having been born in Germany in 1904. His full name is Dr. Rudolph August Winnacker. He was an analyst for the OSS, historian in the War Department from 1945-1949, and then Chief of Historical Division of the Pentagon."
Was Winnaker the ilk of Willoughby? Or Reinhard Gehlen? When did he come here from Germany? Where is he now?
Gehlen after the 1972 funeral of Wehrmacht Col. Gen. Franz Halder
Marina Oswald was the first witness to testify on February 3, 1964.
Warren wanted nothing more than to make her comfortable.
The first question dealt with the General Walker story because Walker had blown it by calling Munich so soon. That scandal had to be put to rest right away.
Warren asked Marina "if Exhibit 2 was familiar to her because it was a picture of General Walker's house?"
Marina said, "no," but that wasn't good enough.
She was asked again, and once more said, "I didn't see it, at least, taken from this view I can't recognize it. I never saw the house itself at any time in my life."
That wasn't sufficient. She just couldn't remember "this particular one."
Chairman Warren was ready to go "off the record." They had only just begun.
Chief Counsel Rankin suggested he show her "more pictures," then maybe she would recognize the Walker home.
This time she was given a selection of a location in New Orleans, two snapshots from Leningrad, and the same shot of the Walker home. Because Walker wasn't living in a castle in Leningrad, Marina assumed that house in Dallas must belong to "General Walker."
Therefore this was admitted for identification.
The Defense Department history could then proceed. "Marina Oswald positively identified the photograph of General Walker’s home among Lee's possessions."
There are a lot of things that remain to be said about this commission and their phoney report.
Admission of an old card trick at the beginning set the tone for what was to follow. What was never supposed to come out was the use of Reinhard Gehlen agents surrounding Lee and Marina Oswald for the purposes of covering up the assassination conspiracy. ...
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