By 365gay Newscenter Staff
(Washington) The conservative Americans for Truth About Homosexuality is demanding the Republican Party reprimand Jamie Ensley, the president of the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans for calling the AFTAH a “radical Christian domestic terrorist group” and comparing it to Nazis.
Ensley made the remarks in a letter to Michael Steele, the new Chair of the Republican Party, urging him to ignore an AFTAH call to abandon his belief the GOP needs to be a “big tent” that includes gays.
After its trouncing at the polls in November, the party has been searching for a new beginning. Steele has said the GOP needs to have a broader base.
In a February 12 letter to Steele, AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera said the party needs to concentrate on its “grassroots pro-family conservative GOP base.”
AFTAH on its Web site said it “is encouraging Republicans and pro-family citizens nationwide to contact Steele and the RNC to urge them not to sell out the conservative GOP platform by courting an organization [Log Cabin Republicans] that works to undermine tradition marriage and supports anti-religious, pro-homosexual special-rights legislation.”
Ensley’s response to Steele drew more wrath from from LaBarbera.
“I would expect an apology from the Republican Party of Georgia,” LaBarbera said. “And actually I would hope that the Republican Party of Georgia would issue some [sort of] formal statement or take some formal action against Mr. Ensley.”
So far, Steele has not commented on either LaBarbera’s or Ensley’s remarks.
In addition to being the head of the Georgia Log Cabin Republicans, Ensley is the Chair of the 57th District of the Fulton County Republican Party and a board member of Georgia Equality.
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